This time, “School of the Future”, a series of events in the Japanese city complex of Tokyo Midtown, is dedicated to the topic “Out of Control”.
Type: Exhibition
Duration: October 13-16, 2017
City, Country: Tokyo, Japan
Venue: Tokyo Midtown, Tokyo, Japan
Under the “School of the Future” series, Ars Electronica is once again bringing discussions on technology, society and art right into the heart of Tokyo. Developed in collaboration with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and held in Tokyo Midtown, the exhibition and talks will be devoted to the theme of “Out of Control”:
“We live in a boundless information society. As various events can be converted to digital data, huge collections of information “Big Data” can now be devoured at ease, individuals have their own media ‘sources’ and outlets, such as with SNS. On the other hand, the reliability of news sources, and the resulting problems of shared information, including issues with privacy, have emerged as important concerns. It is imperative that each person pay close attention to the meaning of information and handle it with care. In the School of Future volume 2, we think about the meaning brought by designed information and try to touch on this information in a new way. Paolo Cirio’s printed life size images of people captured by Google Street View, displayed in their original locations, become ghosts of the information society, asking the audience to consider privacy on the Internet. So Kanno and Takahiro Yamaguchi’s Asemic Languages device, is programmed with AI machine learning to create its own handwritten characters. AI allows the machine to draw self-determined lines and shapes on paper, making people think about communication within the construction of languages and their ability to convey meaning and deceive. How can we deal with information “Out of Control”?”