Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space photo: Robert Bauernhansl

Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space

Searching for an immersive environment for illustrating human anatomy, the Ars Electronica Futurelab in collaboration with Siemens Healthineers and Prof. Dr. Franz Fellner, Director of the Central Radiology Institute of Johannes Kepler University Linz developed a completely new form of visualization of anatomic measurement data.

The result: Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space, previously known under the titles Virtual Anatomy and Cinematic Virtual Anatomy. Here, MRI and CTR data of real patients is merged into photorealistic three-dimensional images of human anatomy. Organs, blood vessels, muscles, tendon and more can be viewed larger than life as three-dimensional, razor-sharp objects from all angles; data can be faded in and out at the click of a button.

The project was so successful, that in 2021 another milestone was set: Medical students at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz are now able to experience Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space full-time, at the new JKU medSPACE. This also marked the transition from the prototyping phase to a full product, offered worldwide by the Ars Electronica Futurelab. You can find all the information on the JKU medSPACE on our project page. In 2022, the program – then titled Virtual Anatomy – received the prestigious E&T Innovation Award as “Best Emerging Technology of the Year” and also won silver in the category “Most Innovative Solution in Digital Health and Social Care”. In 2023, the interdisciplinary team received the silver medal for “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year” at the Triple E Awards.

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How Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space works

With Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space, users can navigate anatomical anatomy data as they wish, seamlessly shifting through different layers, cutting in and out again, zooming to any area at any angle. This is accomplished by combining two programs: Siemens HealthineersCinematic Rendering and Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space by the Ars Electronica Futurelab work hand in hand. Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space is based on the Cinematic Rendering SDK (Software Development Kit), developed by Siemens Princeton.

Cinematic Rendering is used to import the MRI and CRT data, to anonymize the data and set the initial keyframes. Also, meta data for the visualisation is generated. Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space further processes the data and adds important information like positioning, scaling and rotation of the 3D pointer. Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space then fine tunes and displays the data.

Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space uses the Unreal Engine for the visualization of the renderings, which communicates directly with the SDK. Additional settings in the engine allow optimized stereo rendering especially for large displays and walls.

The development process

It all began with artists and researchers looking for ways to transfer the power of animation from the world of cinema to that of medicine. Image-based illumination calculation, a new method that made it possible to transform CT and MRI measurement data into a plastic, photorealistic representation, caused this revolution.

The impressive results unfolded their full potential in Ars Electronica’s Deep Space 8K in 2015. A broad public was now able to experience the three-dimensional anatomic world in a 16 by 9 meters 8K environment. From there, the program expanded drastically: from regular lectures for university students to a new communication platform for top physicians as well as livestreams of surgeries.

The program in all its forms was so successful that the Johannes Kepler University in Linz decided to extend it even further – by building its very own projection room. So the JKU medSPACE opened its doors: a globally unique way to experience anatomy at a university. You can read all about the JKU medSPACE on our project page.

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Read more about Cinematic Anatomy x Deep Space and Cinematic Rendering on the Ars Electronica Blog:

Further innovation award for Futurelab project

The interdisciplinary team around the “Virtual Anatomy” software – Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Siemens Healthineers, and Ars Electronica Futurelab – has won the silver medal for “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team of the Year” at the prestigious Triple E Awards.

Prestigious innovation award for Futurelab project

The “Virtual Anatomy” software implemented by the Ars Electronica Futurelab in cooperation with Siemens Healthineers and the Johannes Kepler University has been awarded “Best Emerging Technology of the Year” at the prestigious E&T Innovation Awards – and snatched a silver medal as well. Congratulations to the teams!

Cinematic Rendering: Big-Screen Anatomy

Cinematic Rendering takes 3-D depictions of the human body to the next level of image quality. This project, which was developed by Siemens Healthcare and is now being shown in Deep Space 8K, is a vivid example of how science too can benefit from artistic impetus.


Ars Electronica Futurelab: Roland Haring, Florian Berger, Friedrich Bachinger, Patrick Müller, Otto Naderer, Erwin Reitböck, Johannes Pöll, Kerstin Blätterbinder, Marianne Eisl, Andreas Pramböck

Medical-Scientific Director
: Prim. Univ. — Prof. Dr. Franz Fellner (Kepler Universitätsklinikum/Department of Radiology)
PARTNER: Siemens Healthineers; Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU); Kepler Universitätsklinikum (KUK)