Engaging with the Public

photo: Vanessa Graf

The importance of a broad discussion on future issues, giving voice to the public, is ingrained in our work at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. We do this as a proud part of Ars Electronica, by opening our work to society and offering a wide range of education programs.

How We Connect:

Through the vast network of Ars Electronica, we come together with artists, visitors of the Ars Electronica Festival and Center, as well as with international partners.

Each year, we open up the lab at the Ars Electronica Festival. We meet with the public, artists, and partners from around the world to discuss ideas and actions for the future.

From workshops and exhibitions to entire lecture series: Futurelab offers a wide range of opportunities to learn “how to build the future” together. 

At the Ars Electronica Futurelab, we connect with a wide audience through our many public projects with partners like corporations and start-ups, research and cultural institutions, art festivals as well as education providers. To inspire and start important conversations about the futures, our team creates immersive experiences and novel media, unique performances, interactive exhibitions, and entire events. We are engaged in media architecture telling stories, digital heritage projects as well as initiatives for education and civic engagement. 

As part of Ars Electronica, the we utilize the strong artistic network as well as the dissemination opportunities it provides: Futurelab contributions are a core component of the museum of the future, the Ars Electronica Center, and Open Futurelab paired with Futurelab Night open our ongoing activities to the public each year during the Ars Electronica Festival.


Photo: Robert Bauernhansl

Proud Members of Ars Electronica

We share a special bond with the many individuals and organizations within the vast network of Ars Electronica that connects people all over the world. This connection is particularly evident through our involvement in the Ars Electronica Festival with our experience space Open Futurelab and Futurelab Night. These ventures serve as fixed points in our annual engagement with and for the public.  

Through initiatives like these, we extend a warm invitation to everyone to explore our many projects, encounter tangible future visions, and connect with the individuals behind the works. We, in turn, draw inspiration from the exchange with artists, our diverse audience, and partners. 

Hands for the Future; photo: Ars Electronica / Birgit Cakir
Ars Electronica Center – Machine Learning Studio; photo: vog.photo

Another prominent intersection to Ars Electronica is the Futurelab’s deep involvement in the Ars Electronica Center, the museum of the future. Here, we connect with more than 250.000 visitors every year by providing many unique contents: our visionary audience hit Deep Space 8K with in-house applications, popular exhibitions and novel prototypes that are accessible to the public here for the first time worldwide and are available for everyone to try out. 

We also engage with society through our diverse education programs. These range from exhibitions and workshops for public participation to entire events like the Matsudo International Science Art Festival. The Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy is our format to continuously help shape the international university education system, providing workshops, seminars, and mentoring sessions for students. Since 2012 we have been working with institutions like Northeastern University, Media Lab Helsinki, Queensland University of Technology, University of Tsukuba, and more.