Credit: Robert Bauernhansl

Artistic Journalism

Keio University SFC Online Course 2020

Ars Electronica Futurelab director Hideaki Ogawa taught an online course entitled “Artistic Journalism” at Keio University SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus). This experimental series of classes discusses artistic journalism through online lectures, online guided tours and dialogues with the Ars Electronica Center.

In the year 2020, we were faced with Covid-19 and the various social changes cascading from it. This virus spreads through physical connections between people, and it also affects the various traditions, cultures and systems that humanity has created analogously.

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Artistic Journalism 1/3: Understanding AI

At the same time, the world built by the digital revolution has strengthened our virtual connections, and cutting-edge technologies such as media, bio, nano, AI, robotics, and space are interacting with the ever-changing global landscape, inviting us into the unknown.
How are we going to face these dramatic changes? How can we find our own compass to navigate the future? How are we going to live in the new future? We believe that we need a more three-dimensional, interdisciplinary, experiential forum for discussion that cannot be shared by traditional media journalism.

In this course, we envision Artistic Journalism as a new medium, a new place, and a new system to experience and discuss the future on a broad scale. Throughout history, mankind has created the future through the invention of new arts and technologies to overcome various difficulties.
Through the activities of Ars Electronica, we will create a dialogue with new knowledge that cannot be conveyed by books, newspapers and online media alone, and discuss how this dialogue can be applied to future policy.

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Artistic Journalism 2/3: AI x Music

Lecture Contents

  1. [Lecture] Introduction of Ars Electronica
  2. [Lecture] Art Thinking
  3. [Talk Session] Art x Journalism
    Michiaki Matsushima, the Editor in Chief of WIRED JAPAN
    Akira Wakita, Artist / Scientist / Professor at Keio University
    Hideaki Ogawa, Director of Ars Electronica Futurelab
  4. [Lecture] Technology & Life and Artistic Journalism
  5. [Ars Electronica Home Delivery] Understanding AI
  6. [Lecture] Science and Artistic Journalism
  7. [Ars Electronica Home Delivery] AI x Music
  8. [Lecture] Society and Artistic Journalism
  9. [Ars Electronica Home Delivery] Deep Issues
  10. [Lecture] Global Issues and Artistic Journalism
  11. [Talk Session] Art x Governance
    Kazuto Ataka, Professor at Keio University / Yahoo! Japan CSO
    Akira Wakita, Artist / Scientist / Professor at Keio University
    Hideaki Ogawa, Director of Ars Electronica Futurelab
  12. [Presentation] Final Presentation and Critique Session
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Artistic Journalism 3/3: Deep Issues


Ars Electronica Futurelab: Hideaki Ogawa, Ali Nikrang, Julian Zauner

Ars Electronica Center: Christoph Kremer

Guests: Michiaki Matsushima (WIRED JAPAN), Akira Wakita (Keio University SFC), Kazuto Ataka (Keio University SFC/Yahoo! Japan), Etsuko Ichihara (artist), John Brumley (h.o), Manuela Naveau (University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz)
In collaboration with Keio University SFC