Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy

  • Prato Summer Academy

    Prato Summer Academy

    To incorporate the Ars Electronica perspective and our experience with setting up transdisciplinary education formats, the Ars Electronica Futurelab was invited to co-host a transdisciplinary Summer Academy for postgraduate students in Prato, Italy, in July 2024. 

  • Northeastern University 2023

    Northeastern University 2023

    Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy

    In the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, we challenge the creativity of students in workshops, seminars and project-focused mentoring sessions. For the students, the hands-on approach of the Futurelab, paired with the potential and exposure of the Ars Electronica ecosystem, is a unique opportunity to develop their ideas and skills; for us Futurelab researchers, the dialogue…

  • Northeastern University 2022

    Northeastern University 2022

    In the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, we challenge the creativity of students in workshops, seminars and project-focused mentoring sessions. For the students, the hands-on approach of the Futurelab, paired with the potential and exposure of the Ars Electronica ecosystem, is a unique opportunity to develop their ideas and skills; for us Futurelab researchers, the dialogue…

  • Media Lab Helsinki

    Media Lab Helsinki

    Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy

    The Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy was founded as part of the Futurelab Education Initiative to encourage international partner universities to engage in transdisciplinary practice. Beyond the boundaries of different disciplines and forms of expression, Futurelab Academy participants work on projects at the intersection of scientific research, technological developments and artistic expression.