Daniel Rammer

  • Pillars of Democracy

    Pillars of Democracy

    Interactive Installation at Vienna’s Parliament

    Pillars of Democracy is a playful interactive installation aimed to increase civic participation and enhance awareness of the importance of democracy. The artistic intervention on the pillars of the Parliament building in Vienna invited people to express themselves, reflect, and take a stand on democracy. The goal was to establish an emotional and personal connection…

  • Open Futurelab 2024

    Open Futurelab 2024

    Shaping HOPE @ Ars Electronica Festival

    We at the Ars Electronica Futurelab understand HOPE – motto of the Ars Electronica Festival 2024 – as a process that can be shaped through art and active participation. We therefore invited everyone to shape HOPE together: from September 4 to 8, 2024, at the Open Futurelab in POSTCITY at the Ars Electronica Festival.

  • Converge


    Collaboration via Avatars and Movement

    Converge is an interactive work for Deep Space 8K by the Ars Electronica Futurelab, based on SHARESPACE, a large European R&D project on using avatars in social situations. In Converge, up to ten participants on site and one external person in a motion capture suit are tracked – they have to communicate through movement and…

  • *falcon heavy

    *falcon heavy

    Audiovisual multi-user artwork

    *falcon heavy is a multi-user experience and stereoscopic audiovisual sculpture for Deep Space 8K, generated in real-time. An ever-shifting entity rules the ritualistic semi-virtual arena; populated by people participating together to find synchronous signals in all the noise. 

  • NeXus Open Research

    NeXus Open Research

    Extended Reality and the Future of Print

    NeXus Open Research explores future Extended Reality (XR) technologies, using scenario-based design to dive into the future of print. It envisions applications through detailed narratives, focusing on XR technologies at the nexus of co-creation.

  • State of Play:شهر بازی

    State of Play:شهر بازی

    Anti-Colonial, Participative Art Performance

    State of Play:شهر بازی by artists Tara Habibzadeh, Harriet Davey, and Mati Bratkowski, is a game-based participative art performance referencing the 7 Labors of Rostam in the long epic poem Shahnameh by Abul-Qâsem Ferdowsi Tusi (Iran, 977–1010 CE). In it, up to 5 audience members reenact the final labour, controlling their avatars of Rostam in…

  • Long Night of Research 2024

    Long Night of Research 2024

    As the artistic research and development laboratory of Ars Electronica, the Futurelab used the Long Night of Research 2024 to present its current work to the public. On May 24, 2024, researchers and artists from the Futurelab therefore got in touch with visitors at the Ars Electronica Center with workshops and demonstrations.  



    Exploring Social Spaces with Avatars

    How could humans use digital avatars in the near future? How can we engage in social situations that include both human and automated avatars? And what technology do we need to explore these ‘hybrid’ spaces together? This is the focus of the European R&D project SHARESPACE.

  • missimo


    Mobile STEAM Learning for Kids

    missimo is a project for children aged eight to ten that offers many experiments on topics such as AI, robotics, and programming. The special appeal: missimo visits primary schools in Austria’s rural areas by truck.

  • Open Futurelab 2023

    Open Futurelab 2023

    Social Technology @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Reaching out to one another, spreading hope in trying times and literally grasping technology as a social tool for the futures: this is what the Open Futurelab as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, from September 6 to 10, was all about.

  • Futurelab Night Performances 2023

    Futurelab Night Performances 2023

    Futures Report @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Just as in previous years, the Futurelab Night Performances were one of the highlights of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023. This “Artistic Futures Report”, delivered live on Saturday evening in the Deep Space 8K, was a great opportunity to experience the Futurelab’s multifaceted work in concentrated form and up close.

  • Deep Sync

    Deep Sync

    Sharing Heartbeats in Immersive Space

    Deep Sync creates an interactive playground for sound and visuals in the immersive Deep Space 8K environment. At the center of attention is the heartbeat of the visitors, which is artistically represented and thus has an effect on the entire group.