
  • Sounding Letters

    Sounding Letters

    The idea of Sounding Letters is to use the initial letters of Ars Electronica Futurelab and Ars Electronica Center as a musical theme and to compose a piece of music based on this theme by using an AI system. Both the Ars Electronica Futurelab and the Ars Electronica Center celebrated their 25th anniversaries in 2021.

  • Memo Futurum

    Memo Futurum

    Anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens des Ars Electronica Futurelab im Jahr 2021 lud Memo Futurum dazu ein, sich mit unseren persönlichen und kollektiven Zukunftsvisionen auseinanderzusetzen. Wie sehen wir uns und unser Leben in 25 Jahren? Wie sprechen wir über unsere Zukunft, wie fühlen wir uns ihr gegenüber, welche Einstellung haben wir zu ihr? Die Öffentlichkeit konnte…

  • Magellan Robot

    Magellan Robot

    On the 6th of March 1521 a small fleet of Spanish ships under the command of the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reached the Island of Guam in the Pacific. They were greeted by curious natives, the Chamorro. Some of them came aboard and started to look around. They began to evaluate the many useful items…

  • Biomaterial Art Lab

    Biomaterial Art Lab

    In this project, we explore biological and chemical methods to create materials for art and design. Biological materials based on the natural process and life science are beautiful, versatile, and ecological.

  • OutReach


    Telepresence is a great tool that gives people the ability to be in far away places without having to travel. Telepresence robots like Double Robot are great tools for communication. However, they usually lack ways to interact physically with their environment. This reduces the autonomy and freedom of movement of robot users. This way, telepresence…