Telepresence is a great tool that gives people the ability to be in far away places without having to travel. Telepresence robots like Double Robot are great tools for communication. However, they usually lack ways to interact physically with their environment. This reduces the autonomy and freedom of movement of robot users. This way, telepresence…
As humans and robots work together ever more closely, their joint success is linked to certain preconditions: How do you create safe working environments? How can we increase the acceptance of robots in everyday work? And how do you communicate with a colleague who consists only of a gripper arm?
How can gesture research be presented so that it is comprehensible by everyone? How do you identify natural gestures for specific applications? What are the origins of such gestures, and how can they best be used in future interfaces? The Ars Electronica Futurelab has been collaborating with Chemnitz University of Technology to get to the…
Leading carmakers and manufacturers of high technology agree that autonomous vehicles will be common, everyday phenomena on our streets and highways in the forseeable future. However, the implementation of the corresponding technical and legal framework conditions still poses a tremendous challenge. Equally important will be the process of creating trust on the part of future…
Ars Electronica Futurelab and Honda R&D were conducting collaborative research into the next generation-relationship between humans and robots. From industrial robots supporting the production process to humanoid robots, many researchers have explored the range of possibilities for robots.