Matthew Gardiner

  • Open Futurelab 2024

    Open Futurelab 2024

    Shaping HOPE @ Ars Electronica Festival

    We at the Ars Electronica Futurelab understand HOPE – motto of the Ars Electronica Festival 2024 – as a process that can be shaped through art and active participation. We therefore invited everyone to shape HOPE together: from September 4 to 8, 2024, at the Open Futurelab in POSTCITY at the Ars Electronica Festival.

  • Public Pixels

    Public Pixels

    Northeastern University 2024

    July 2024 marked the fourth time the Ars Electronica Futurelab welcomed an interdisciplinary group of students from Northeastern University in Boston. Over a tightly packed three-day period, the students were once again tasked with creating media art projects for the Ars Electronica Center’s programmable media facade – showcasing how collaboration can transform a public space…

  • Long Night of Research 2024

    Long Night of Research 2024

    As the artistic research and development laboratory of Ars Electronica, the Futurelab used the Long Night of Research 2024 to present its current work to the public. On May 24, 2024, researchers and artists from the Futurelab therefore got in touch with visitors at the Ars Electronica Center with workshops and demonstrations.  

  • missimo


    Mobile STEAM Learning for Kids

    missimo is a project for children aged eight to ten that offers many experiments on topics such as AI, robotics, and programming. The special appeal: missimo visits primary schools in Austria’s rural areas by truck.

  • Open Futurelab 2023

    Open Futurelab 2023

    Social Technology @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Reaching out to one another, spreading hope in trying times and literally grasping technology as a social tool for the futures: this is what the Open Futurelab as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, from September 6 to 10, was all about.

  • Futurelab Night Performances 2023

    Futurelab Night Performances 2023

    Futures Report @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Just as in previous years, the Futurelab Night Performances were one of the highlights of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023. This “Artistic Futures Report”, delivered live on Saturday evening in the Deep Space 8K, was a great opportunity to experience the Futurelab’s multifaceted work in concentrated form and up close.

  • Oribotic Instruments

    Oribotic Instruments

    Folding Sound with Origami Robotics

    Our question for this work, What happens to our experience of space when we fold sound? is situated in our research into fundamental artistic methods for origami and robotics, following our central theme of Fold Sensing.

  • Northeastern University 2023

    Northeastern University 2023

    Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy

    In the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, we challenge the creativity of students in workshops, seminars and project-focused mentoring sessions. For the students, the hands-on approach of the Futurelab, paired with the potential and exposure of the Ars Electronica ecosystem, is a unique opportunity to develop their ideas and skills; for us Futurelab researchers, the dialogue…

  • Futurelab Day 2022

    Futurelab Day 2022

    Creative Resilience for a Planet B

    In 2022, the Ars Electronica Futurelab once again organized a special “Open Futurelab” program for the general public during the Ars Electronica Festival: The Futurelab Day on September 8, featuring high-level discussions, presentations of the lab’s latest projects, a wide variety of workshops and electrifying artistic performances. The day was themed “Creative Resilience for a…

  • Northeastern University 2022

    Northeastern University 2022

    In the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy, we challenge the creativity of students in workshops, seminars and project-focused mentoring sessions. For the students, the hands-on approach of the Futurelab, paired with the potential and exposure of the Ars Electronica ecosystem, is a unique opportunity to develop their ideas and skills; for us Futurelab researchers, the dialogue…

  • Alchemists of the Future

    Alchemists of the Future

    In 2021, the Ars Electronica Futurelab celebrated its 25th anniversary. Under the heading Alchemists of the Future, the Open Futurelab therefor presented a look back at the lab’s challenges and successes, but most importantly its latest ideas and glimpes into the future.

  • Oribotic Instruments Workshop I

    Oribotic Instruments Workshop I

    What does it take to create self-aware robotic instruments out of a piece of paper? A workshop was only the start of a new type of avant-garde robotic origami music performances.