Nicolas Naveau

  • Melt This!

    Melt This!

    Radical Dialog on Glacial Melting

    Schmilz, schmilz, Baby! / Melt This! is a thought-provoking campaign on glacier retreat by the activist artist group Aggro Climate, members of the Ars Electronica Futurelab. The initiative is one of the two winning projects of the Ars Electronica Futurelab 2024 internal ideas competition Ideas Expedition.

  • Open Futurelab 2024

    Open Futurelab 2024

    Shaping HOPE @ Ars Electronica Festival

    We at the Ars Electronica Futurelab understand HOPE – motto of the Ars Electronica Festival 2024 – as a process that can be shaped through art and active participation. We therefore invited everyone to shape HOPE together: from September 4 to 8, 2024, at the Open Futurelab in POSTCITY at the Ars Electronica Festival.

  • Memories for Futures

    Memories for Futures

    Participative Installation for Rural Life

    Memories for Futures is a multi-modal media arts installation designed to foster care and discussion about rural life’s future. Local stories, places and impressions from the village of Azusakawachi in the Japanese prefecture of Shiga are linked here to provide insights into the lives of the inhabitants and their very personal history.

  • FOUNDING LAB Fall Term

    FOUNDING LAB Fall Term

    New Formats for Future Universities

    The FOUNDING LAB Fall Term is a continuation of the FOUNDING LAB collaboration between Austrian university IT:U and Ars Electronica, spanning September 2023 to January 2024. IT:U started its operation in 2023 with the FOUNDING LAB, supported by experts of Ars Electronica including a team of Ars Electronica Futurelab members.

  • missimo


    Mobile STEAM Learning for Kids

    missimo is a project for children aged eight to ten that offers many experiments on topics such as AI, robotics, and programming. The special appeal: missimo visits primary schools in Austria’s rural areas by truck.

  • Bridge 2040

    Bridge 2040

    Intergenerational Game for Future Stories

    Bridge 2040 is a card game in which children and senior citizens develop future narratives together, building a bridge between the generations. It has been expanded to be used in different settings such as innovation workshops and is now available in German, English, and Japanese.

  • Open Futurelab 2023

    Open Futurelab 2023

    Social Technology @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Reaching out to one another, spreading hope in trying times and literally grasping technology as a social tool for the futures: this is what the Open Futurelab as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, from September 6 to 10, was all about.

  • Futurelab Night Performances 2023

    Futurelab Night Performances 2023

    Futures Report @ Ars Electronica Festival

    Just as in previous years, the Futurelab Night Performances were one of the highlights of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023. This “Artistic Futures Report”, delivered live on Saturday evening in the Deep Space 8K, was a great opportunity to experience the Futurelab’s multifaceted work in concentrated form and up close.

  • Future Teams

    Future Teams

    Communicative Robots for the Workplace

    The Future Teams project aims to develop innovative technologies, spaces, and services that enhance team creativity and foster mutual care in the workplace. Prototypes include three buddy robots with communication skills aimed at enriching future teamwork.

  • Anatomy of Nudging

    Anatomy of Nudging

    Transparent AI for Society

    The installation Anatomy of Nudging aims to involve users in the utilization of artificial intelligence and thus create a trusting relationship with AI. Anatomy of Nudging was the first installation of the Collective Transformation Lab – an enlightening self-reflection platform by the Japanese AI start-up Godot and the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

  • Data Art & Science Project

    Data Art & Science Project

    Art Creates Meaning from Data

    How can art create meaning from data? The Ars Electronica Futurelab, in collaboration with Toyota Coniq Alpha in Japan, is envisioning “Data Art & Science,” a new interdisciplinary field that incorporates artistic perspectives on future transformations based on data science.

  • Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION

    Deep Space 8K EVOLUTION

    Ars Electronica’s Most Exciting Experience Space

    Three visually stunning dimensions, over 50 million pixels of resolution, and a high-performance tracking system make Ars Electronica’s Deep Space 8K one of the world’s most exciting digital experience spaces – developed, built, and continuously maintained by the Ars Electronica Futurelab.