In April 2019, the world-famous Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris was severely damaged in a devastating fire, requiring years of reconstruction and restoration work. On the occasion of its reopening in December 2024, the Ars Electronica Futurelab, together with the French start-ups Iconem and Histovery, has brought the world-famous cathedral into Deep Space 8K as an…
Converge is an interactive work for Deep Space 8K by the Ars Electronica Futurelab – based on SHARESPACE, a large European R&D project on using avatars in social situations. Converge uses tracking for up to ten on-site participants and a motion capture suit for one off-site participant. All must collaborate to progress, communicating with the…
Persistent Time Sink Resonance is an artistic exploration of reality volumes utilizing 3D Gaussian Splatting. This recent rasterization technique supports the digital, spatial reconstruction of real-life objects or even our surroundings in the computer. Persistent Time Sink Resonance is one of the two winning projects of the Ars Electronica Futurelab 2024 internal ideas competition Ideas…
Memories for Futures is a multi-modal media arts installation designed to foster care and discussion about rural life’s future. Local stories, places and impressions from the village of Azusakawachi in the Japanese prefecture of Shiga are linked here to provide insights into the lives of the inhabitants and their very personal history. The initiative is…
What makes up the gigantic, imposing sound of a Bruckner symphony? Visitors explore the question playfully and interactively with Playing Anton – an innovative application for the Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center, developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Here, the audience takes over the formation of the instrumental groups of the Bruckner…
AT&S is a leading supplier of high-end printed circuit boards and substrates for the semiconductor industry based in Austria. The Ars Electronica Futurelab was invited to contribute to the design of the AT&S Erlebniswelt (AT&S World of Experience) in Leoben-Hinterberg – a new hybrid production and office building that also houses a visitor center. To…
In autumn 2023, the theater world celebrated the 150th birthday of Max Reinhardt, one of the most famous German-speaking theater makers of the 20th century. The Salzburg Festival commemorated the theatrical magician by recreating one of his most famous projects: the acclaimed production of Goethe’s “Faust” (1933-1937) at the unique venue Felsenreitschule in Salzburg with…
February 24, 2022. In the midst of a global pandemic, Russia invaded Ukraine. Until today this war in Europe continues. This also poses questions for the media as well as the general public: What is truth, what is the role of journalism, and how can art and journalism contribute in a meaningful way in the…
In the new era of creative collaboration, can machines and nature co-create art and music? In the SonoSynthesis project, a team of researchers from the Ars Electronica Futurelab brings together AI, biology, and Deep Space technologies to develop an immersive audio and visual experience created through the interaction between artificial intelligence and biological entities. The…