INCREASE: Intelligent Collections of Food-Legume Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems / Kerstin Neumann (DE), Roberto Papa (IT)/Photo:

INCREASE: Intelligent Collections of Food-Legume Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems

Kerstin Neumann (DE), Roberto Papa (IT)

The INCREASE CSE explores thousands of different beans PGR thanks to the help of citizens who contribute to data collection on an unprecedented number of different locations, helping to better understand, not only many phenotypic traits, but also the adaptation of common beans in different environments.

The INCREASE CSE focuses on two highly relevant topics, listed in SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and Green Deal: agrobiodiversity conservation and food legumes cultivation/consumption, which is of pivotal importance for the transition towards a plant-based diet, a key element to contrast and mitigate the climate change crisis.

The INCREASE CSE explores thousands of different beans PGR thanks to the help of citizens who contribute to data collection on an unprecedented number of different locations, helping to better understand, not only many phenotypic traits, but also the adaptation of common beans in different environments. The huge pool of images stored in the INCREASE CSE App is the basis for detailed image analysis using artificial intelligence and deep learning, involving citizens to develop image recognition, and enabling the identification and correction of potential errors during the decentralized conservation steps.


  • Roberto Papa


    Prof. Roberto Papa is Full Professor of Agricultural Genetics, head of the Agrobiodiversity Lab, at the Polytechnic University of Marche. His research focuses on the conservation and utilization of agrobiodiversity and plant genetic resources. By applying genomics approaches and pioneering the use of molecular phenotyping, he contributed new knowledge on crop germplasm genetic diversity, on crop domestication and adaptation to different environments, and on evolutionary history of crop species (legumes and cereals). He coordinated several national and international projects on crop genetic resources, and he is currently leading the H2020 INCREASE project;  he developed the concept of decentralized conservation of crop genetic resources and designed the INCREASE CSE.


INCREASE Consortium – INCREASE project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under grant agreement no. 862862.

Presented in the context of the IMPETUS project. IMPETUS is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101058677 – HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01.