Award Ceremony u19–create your world, photo: Tom-Mesic

Award Ceremony u19–create your world

Ars Electronica (AT)

POSTCITY, Ground Floor, Train Hall
Sat 7. Sep 2024 11:00 – 13:00

The award ceremony brings together all the winners of this year’s Prix Ars Electronica in the u19–create your world category. The 23 winning projects will be presented by moderator Conny Lee, the young artists will receive their certificates and provide brief insights into the ideas behind their projects.

As part of this competition, young creatives and critical thinkers are invited to present their ideas and projects for the world of tomorrow in the fields of art, technology and society. The choice of means of expression is entirely up to the artists.

The winning projects can be viewed on all festival days in the u19–create your world exhibition.