Ars Electronica 2024 will take place in Linz from September 4 to 8 and will be dedicated to the title “HOPE – who will turn the tide”. Like never before, the Linz Festival for Art, Technology and Society will focus on artists, researchers, developers, activists, and entrepreneurs from all over the world. The main location will once again be POSTCITY, which is due to be demolished and will become a hotspot for the international media art scene for the seventh time.

Festival for art, technology and society

The first events and exhibitions on the program have already been announced. Here you can find an initial overview of what’s awaiting you at the 2024 Ars Electronica Festival!

HOPE – who will turn the tide

Optimism is not the belief that things will somehow work out, but rather the confidence in our ability to influence and bring about improvement. And that perhaps best describes the essence of the principle of hope, not as a passive position, but as an active force that motivates us to keep going despite adversity.

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Ars Electronica Blog

  • Preserving Heritage in the Digital Age

    Preserving Heritage in the Digital Age

    The Balot NFT democratizes digital cultural ownership and aids in reclaiming stolen land, using NFT technology as a decolonization tool in a new restitution model.

  • From Industrialization to Automation

    From Industrialization to Automation

    “Calculating Empires” traces the entwining of technology and power over five centuries, showing how colonialism, militarization, automation, and enclosure operate today and might be unwound.

  • Artistic Explorations in Science

    Artistic Explorations in Science

    Arts at CERN, the arts programme of CERN in Geneva, has invited artists since 2012 to explore fundamental scientific questions alongside physicists.

  • A Story of Arrangement

    A Story of Arrangement

    “You are part of a huge weave, that you cannot ignore anymore.” When you enter Diane Cescutti’s website and her work, you enter the world of weaving.

  • From Blue Marble to Bioplastic Record

    From Blue Marble to Bioplastic Record

    “Smoke and Mirrors” by British artist Beatie Wolfe visualises 50 years of climate data and contrasts it with advertising slogans from the oil industry. She has now been awarded the Golden Nica of the Prix Ars Electronica for her work.

  • A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A Fall Down Memory Lane

    A trip and a fall down memory lane, tracking the relationship of a couple from middle school into the afterlife. “The Hardest Part” is the winner of the AI in Art Award 2024.


The epicenter of Ars Electronica 2024 will once again be POSTCITY. The themed exhibition, the STARTS exhibition—this year also with the award-winning projects from the first-ever STARTS Prize Africa—and the Ars Electronica Gardens Exhibition will be on display here. The theme symposium and the Big Concert night will take place here and last but not least, POSTCITY will once again become the playground for create your world, the future festival of the next generation.


Festival Mile in Downtown Linz

There will be eight additional festival locations in the city center; St. Mary’s Cathedral (Mariendom), Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, University of Arts Linz, Atelierhaus Salzamt, Ars Electronica Center, Stadtwerkstatt, Anton Bruckner Private University and, for the first time, the JKU MED Campus will be used.

Photo: tom mesic
Photo: Flightkinetic / Raffael Portugal
Photo: Mark Sengstbratl
Photo: JKU / Martin Steinkellner
Photo: Domcenter Linz
Photo: Linz Tourismus / Robert Josipovic
Photo: Simon Bauer
Photo: STWST
Photo: Ars Electronica / Martin Hieslmair

Festival for Art, Technology and Society

Since 1979, Ars Electronica has been keeping track of the ongoing digitalization of our living environment, exploring political, social, ecological and economic changes and taking a look at how we will shape technological progress in the future. As part of a global network of artists, scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs and activists, Ars Electronica continues to drive this curiosity forward and make it accessible to everyone. With its multifaceted exhibitions, inspiring conferences, impressive concerts, lively performances and dynamic interventions, the Ars Electronica Festival once again underscores its clear goal: to initiate a discourse and promote hopeful visions of the future.

Commissioned Projects

Throughout the year, we work with partners around the world to support artists by organizing open calls, curating exhibitions and conferences, and much more. The results of these commissions are presented at the Ars Electronica Festival in September.

Tickets? Program? Further questions?


The Ars Electronica Festival 2024 is funded by the City of Linz, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sports, as well as the state of Upper Austria, and numerous sponsors and partner institutions.

We look forward to your visit!

September 4 – 8, 2024
Linz, Austria