Animation Selection, photo: Éva Darabos

Animation Selection 

Éva Darabos (HU), Domonkos Erhardt (HU), Nikolett Fábián (HU), Vivien Hárshegyi (HU), Bence Hlavay (HU), Melinda Kádár (HU), Marcell Mostoha (HU), Nikoletta Veress (HU)

Graduation film selection of the Animation Department of Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.

MOME Anim’s collection of animated short films features some of the most compelling and visually stunning works from the university’s history. BEST of MOME Anim exemplifies the creative excellence and artistic diversity of MOME Anim’s masterpieces. MOME Anim has been captivating audiences with its recent hits as well: its latest works explore diverse themes, from whimsical fantasies to thought-provoking narratives.