The Art Thinking Lounge is a “Platform for Transformation through Art”. It creates a space for companies, government, artists, scientists, activists and citizens to experience, criticize, express their opinions and discuss visions of the future through artworks and to inspire better futures.
What is the role of art in the 21st century? And how can we apply art for a better society in the future?
Art is a catalyst for shaping a better society in the future, a way to open up new perspectives. Art encourages the curiosity to look at what is behind the scenes and to stimulate creative solutions.
The Art Thinking Japan Initiative aims to open up artistic thinking to Japanese companies and stimulate critical dialogue around the challenges the future holds. It began in 2014 as a collaboration between Hakuhodo, a Japanese integrated marketing and innovation company, and Ars Electronica. This year’s Art Thinking Lounge is a new initiative as part of that program.
The Art Thinking Lounge has three areas: Art Thinking ABC consists of a playful exhibition on “what is Art Thinking, why is it necessary and how can it be done” and a kit that allows visitors to try out Art Thinking at the Ars Electronica Festival. Art Thinking Inspiration presents artists’ projects that put Art Thinking into social practice; and Art Thinking Prototype showcases companies’ future visions. These will be subject to criticism and feedback from visitors.

WED Sept. 4 – SUN Sept. 8, 2024
Access to the Art Thinking Lounge is free of charge.
Hirofumi Fukagawa (JP), Tatsuhiko Saito (JP), Misato Miura (JP), Mayu Kamamoto (JP), Masataka Nagahori (JP), Kensho Motoe (JP), Kashiwai (JP)
Speculation on possible futures with AI AI SPEC is a project that aims to make AI ethics more relevant to each and every one of us by encouraging discussion. In recent years, as AI technology has increasingly spread into the products and services we use every day, the issue of AI ethics has also become…
Art Thinking ABC
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Art Thinking ABC is an interactive installation by the Ars Electronica Futurelab that has the goal of introducing Art Thinking to festival visitors who are for the first time in touch with the methodology. It introduces the basic vocabulary of Art Thinking and teaches how to apply it to festival experiences, offering a foundation for…
Dust to Dust
Yuima Nakazato (JP)
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Humanity has developed in many ways through the creation and wearing of clothing. Of food, clothing and shelter, only humans have clothing. That is why we believe that thinking about the future of clothing is tantamount to thinking about the future of humanity.FASHION FRONTIER PROGRAM is looking for comrades who will think and create the…
Practice of Value-Centric Innovation
We present our value-centric innovation approach and current projects. D-LAB has two functions: to explore, and to realize, value. In exploring value, we speculate on future “Delightful Moments” and elaborate creative questions incorporating art thinking. In realizing value, we respond to the questions by creating tangible experiences. We showcase two ongoing projects in this process.
Re-writing the Script of AI SPEC
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (JP), Hakuhodo Inc. (JP), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
AI SPEC is an initiative that creates a space to discuss “a future living with AI.” In this exhibition, several possible futures are presented in the form of comics. Visitors are welcome to rewrite the stories and are invited to participate in an active dialogue to shape their own future.
Rhythms of People
Kei Takeuchi (JP), Rena Tanaka (JP), Hokuto Sajiki (JP), Siyu Liu (CN), Amy Yamanoi (JP), Kimitaro Hattori (JP)
Rhythms of People has two parts: The first project showcases the rhythms of Tokyo, Shibuya that we have collected, and the tool we developed based on this research that allows anyone to collect rhythms. The second project involves using this rhythm collection tool to visualize the rhythms of the festival venue, POSTCITY, together with the…
HAKUHODO Inc., Research Design Center (JP)
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