In September 2023, STWST organized the format Bloodproof of Life—as a collective art action with real lifeblood. An appeal was made: Stadtwerkstatt gives you back your lifeblood—come and get it! 4 ml of blood was taken from volunteers. This was followed by several checks of the participants and their lifeblood, by survey, seal, blockchain, hash and video proof.
The authenticity of blood, participants, hash, chain, video and overall participation in the collective lifeblood project was confirmed in a reciprocal multiple proof. Finally, the participants received their ampoule of lifeblood back as a transformed, certified blood-to-art object suitable for the art market.
During its realization at STWST, the format led to constant queuing. Topics between “lifeblood as a resource”, i.e., the internal operating systems of engagement, and the currently discussed extraction of resources and the best parts of people, their DATA, were critically reflected—as well as the technological and social regimes that make this possible.
At STWST48x10, the video proof plus parts of the multiple checks are shown, plus an installative setting and activation of the open question of where our lives live.
Tanja Brandmayr
Tanja Brandmayr is an artist and author who has been working for many years and in different contexts between art, text, media and staging. Art and context research Quasikunst in cooperation with STWST/Stadtwerkstatt. Currently also director of the artist-run space STWST. Preferred themes: Detachment, dissolution, dynamics and the AgensMovens behind things. Also editor of the art and culture magazines ‘Versorgerin’ and ‘Die Referentin’. Lives in Linz/Austria.