Electromagnetic Street Bon Dance Festival / ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! (JP)/Photo: vog.photo

Electromagnetic Street Bon Dance Festival


Led by artist Ei Wada, this project brings together various collaborators to reinvent unused electrical appliances into new electromagnetic musical instruments. Through the ingenuity of the participants, the original functions of electrical appliances are reconfigured for musical purposes, creating new fantasies day by day.

Electromagnetic Street Bon Dance Festival will honor the tradition of ancient Japanese festivals of fire, water, wind and earth and will be dedicated to electricity, essential in the modern age. Join us in a frenzy of playing and dancing around a solar-powered, off-grid stage. “Let’s Bon Dance in the electromagnetic wilderness—Now, let’s make some noise!”

Please note: Due to the circumstances of the festival, it is not possible to use the power supply from the solar-powered storage batteries on the stage.

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    Led by artist Ei Wada, ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! brings together various collaborators to reinvent unused electrical appliances into new electromagnetic musical instruments. Through the ingenuity of the participants, the original functions of electrical appliances are reconfigured for musical purposes, creating new fantasies day by day.

Supported by: EcoFlow Europe s.r.o.