BruQner—The Sound of Entanglement / Clemens Wenger (AT), Enar de Dios Rodríguez (ES), Martin Ringbauer (AT), Johannes Kofler (AT), Richard Küng (AT), Alexander Ploier (AT), Benjamin Orthner (AT/GH), Philipp Haslinger (AT)/Photo:

BruQner – The Sound of Entanglement

Wed 4. Sep 2024 22:00 – 23:00

The second quantum revolution as a musical spectacle: Lasers, mirrors, non-linear crystals—an experimental setup from the hi-tech laboratory in the middle of Linz’s new cathedral. Entangled photons—the quanta of light—become conductors and direct Bruckner’s Perger Präludium in a way that no human could.

The cathedral organists play live on the two resounding church organs and fill the Mariendom’s spectacular acoustic space. BruQner shows us a new view of our reality—a world premiere!

Language: EN


  • Photo: Alexander-Gotter

    Clemens Wenger


    Clemens Wenger, born 1982, lives and works in Vienna as musician and composer of contemporary jazz, pop and electronic music. “Clemens Wenger has long become a key figure of the young scene in Vienna (…)“, Klaus Nüchtern writes in his portrait in FALTER magazine. Wenger initiated the JazzWerkstatt Wien, has directed this collective of musicians for 20 years now and heads the popular Viennese soul band 5/8erl in Ehr’n.


Musikalische Leitung: Clemens Wenger
Künstlerin, visuelle Gestaltung: Enar de Dios Rodriguez
Martin Ringbauer (Exp. Physik, Uni Innsbruck)
Johannes Kofler (Theor. Informatik, JKU)
Richard Küng (Theor. Informatik, JKU)
Benjamin Orthner (Exp. Physik, TU Wien)
Philipp Haslinger (Exp. Physik, TU Wien, Projektleitung)
Organisten: Wolfgang Kreuzhuber, Gerhard Raab

A project from OÖ KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 in cooperation with Ars Electronica with the kind support of LIT-JKU, VCQ, the University of Innsbruck, TU Wien, SFB – beyondC and the Cultural Affairs Department of the City of Vienna.