Susana Pérez’ and Alejandra Martos’ task as project leads was to realize the restoration and conservation of the painting (and frame) Young Knight in a Landscape (c. 1505) by Venetian artist Vittore Carpaccio. Following the presentation of this process by Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza we can now relive it in Deep Space 8K.
Restoration and Technical Study
We retrace the technical studies and laboratory analysis carried out to learn about the artist’s painting process and the materials that he used to create this magnificent painting. We reveal how the historical investigation and the information obtained from it has led to a meticulously controlled restoration work. The technical images (X-Ray, infrared and ultraviolet) and the high resolution images, as well as the gigapixel image of the painting, enable the audience to see and understand what lies beneath the paint layers and how conservators use them to establish a work protocol for the well-being of the painting. Conserving a work of art for the preservation of our cultural heritage. We are thankful for the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza providing video material of the restoration process and allowing Ars Electronica to offer an exclusive glance of the images of Carpaccio’s Knight before and after the restoration. This presentation was realized with the support of the Spanish Embassy Vienna.

Languages: EN, DE
Registration: required, please register below
Please note: Limited capacity, registration required – in addition to a valid ticket, you need a (free) ticket reservation for the respective event in advance. Reservations for Deep Space 8K events must be scanned on-site no later than 15min before the programme starts.
Alejandra Martos
Alejandra Martos is a Conservator at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid (Spain), with a Degree in Painting Conservation (CEROA, Madrid, Spain) and a Fine Arts Associates Degree (University of Miami, Florida, US). With a 26 year experience in the Painting Conservation field, has led Conservation projects and published her investigation and conservation works in several occasions, as well as participated as a speaker in various Conservation Congresses.
Susana Pérez
Susana Pérez is an art conservator with a dual training and professional career. She has a specialization in pictorial and sculptural conservation, and a professional career closely linked to the technical studies of works of art by means of radiography and multiband imaging techniques.
Pérez possesses a degree in Fine Arts (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain), and a master’s degree in Heritage Conservation (Alcalá de Henares University, Spain). She worked on conservation projects and technical studies at Reina Sofía National Museum between 1997 and 2000. Pérez is Manager of the Conservation Area and Conservator at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. She is also Supervisor of the museum´s radioactive installation with the official license issued by the Nuclear Safety Council.