Curated by Jaskaran in cooperation with Innovationshauptplatz Linz and she:works, this initiative bridges art, culture, and society to encourage empathy and communication. A space for support, or the space to just be, The “Chapel” is created as a soothing and immersive atmosphere. It acts as an open space inviting people to come and coexist. It aims to create a transdisciplinary network for sustainable urban transformation by reimagining public spaces as sites for community building.

Location: InnovationsHauptplatz, Pfarrgasse 1, 4020 Linz
A part of Trans(T*).DisCity Cultural and Transformation based Initiative
Moving beyond identity narratives in urban environments, The Chapel hopes to foster dialogue and explore the impact of mindfulness practices and artistic engagement on empathy. The Chapel of City Voices is an open space for people to come, share conversations, secrets, to participate or to just be there.
Visitors meet different city voices through letters and drawings suspended from the ceiling, creating an immersive and reflective atmosphere. The installation features a cozy round table for engaging in conversations, videos of past encounters, and material from she:works. Artistic activities such as drawing, movement sessions, and tarot cards are curated to inspire imagination and to enrich the experience, inviting participants to engage in an honest and sensible exchange.
The Chapel is a platform for cultivating art based social interactions. By facilitating such spaces, the project provides alternatives for urban engagement, and networking, opening into transformative ideas.
Photo: Flora Löffelmann
Jaskaran is an artist, researcher, teacher based in Vienna and Linz. His* work emerges at the intersections of scientific, technical, artistic and cultural mediums spanning choreography, directing, writing, performance, music, film and interfaces. Through his Linz-based organization trivium, promoting research and cultural intersectionality in humans, he* has led projects like City Voices, L-INKED and place of belonging which address status quo on identity politics, and community building.
Concept, idea, project head, and direction: Jaskaran
Trans(T*).DisCity/City Voices artists and co-researchers: Alja Ferjan (artist, pedagogue), Karin Schneider (contemporary historian and art educator), Fatima El Kosht (artist, cultural work, education), Stefan Gieber (physiotherapy “therapieplus”), Laura Pudelek (artist, pedagogue), Yuwol June C. (artist) and Manu Sharma (Philosopher)
Language and text support: Alja Ferjan, Karin Schneider, and Manu Sharma
Social Media: Yuwol June C.
Graphic design: Hooshyar Zaheryani
Production organization: Sanaz Rafii
Production: trivium
in cooperation with Innovationshauptplatz Linz, she:works and DORFTV
The Chapel of City Voices , a project by trivium and Jaskaran, is the part of long term cultural initiative “Trans(T*).DisCity”. It is funded by BMKÖS – Kulturinitiativen, Museen, Volkskultur; and is established in association with Innovationshauptplatz Linz and she:works, and cooperation with DORFTV.
Further, the public events, under the umbrella “City Voices Stadt-Austausch”, are funded by the Land of Upper Austria – Culture (Darstellende Kunst), and City of Linz (Kultur). The public events take place at Innovationshauptplatz, and CulturCafé Smaragd, in further cooperation with the Klimaachse Festival.
“City Voices Stadt-Austausch” , was also established with brut co-production house, Vienna.
The initiative “Trans(T*).DisCity/City Voices”, started in collaboration with the Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz, Exhibition “Stadt Labor – Linz in Transition”. Further supported by Bildrecht GmbH, and in cooperation with Redsapata Kulturinitiative.