Data for the People, Virtual City Systems / Doris Allhutter, Astrid Mager

Data for the People

Doris Allhutter (AT), Astrid Mager (AT)

POSTCITY, First Floor, Workshop Room
Sat 7. Sep 2024 10:00 – 12:00

Urban life is diverse, and so are our visions of what the future of cities should look like. Digital city twins and city dashboards offer interactive encounters with the city and can help us shape urban futures together.

How do we envision future urban living?

What data should be made available to serve all citizens equally? How should data support urban life and promote the well-being and opportunities of different people and communities? Designing postcards from the future, we will create visions of the urban life we dream of.

Meeting Point: First Floor
Language: EN

Max. 25


  • Photo: Shutterstock

    Astrid Mager


    Astrid Mager is senior academy scientist at the Institute of Technology Assessment, Austrian Academy of Sciences, and lecturer at the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna. Her longstanding research on search engines and algorithmic systems in socio-political contexts has been widely published.

  • Photo: Nini Tschavoll

    Doris Allhutter


    Doris Allhutter is a PI in the international research project AUTO-WELF, which analyzes automated welfare provision across European welfare regimes. It examines the implications of algorithms for the transformation of welfare infrastructures. These infrastructures have a significant impact on the living circumstances of citizens and are shaping how citizens encounter, and are addressed by, the state. The project provides profound insights into how automation impacts human wellbeing and welfare.


Funded by the Austrian Science Fund: [I 6075-G] under the CHANSE ERA-NET Co-fund programme, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no 101004509.