Designing Positive Energy Districts through Gameplay.
Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) are seen as one of the key urban transition pathways towards climate neutrality. The European Union has set out a vision of creating 100 PEDs in Europe by 2025.
PEDs seek to energize our neighborhoods with renewable resources and bring about positive impact on our cities in environmental, social and economic terms. In this workshop, participants will engage in a dialogue on PEDs and jointly create such districts via gameplay, amid various challenges and stakeholder perspectives.

Meeting Point: Workshop Room, First Floor
Language: EN
FREE / No Tickets
Max. 25
Photo: David Scherman
Bahanur Nasya
Bahanur is an architect and researcher, managing projects, as well as teams, and is also a film producer. She has studied in Vienna and Barcelona where she has specialized in sustainable architecture, just and fair scenarios, and future proof development concepts. She supports communities throughout Europe to work collectively, to serve everyone and not just selected few. She combines research with tangible outputs (manuals, films, stories, webinars, and training).
Photo: Vicky Albert-Seifried
Vicky Albert-Seifried
Vicky Albert-Seifried leads projects on sustainable energy transition in Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Germany. She has over 20 years of experience working with cities globally to enable the clean energy transformation. Vicky is the Chair of the COST Action Positive Energy Districts European Network (PED-EU-NET) and she is actively involved in a number of projects and initiatives related to sustainable cities and communities.
Photo: Beril Alpagut
Beril Alpagut
Beril Alpagut is head of the EU projects in Demir Enerji – an energy consultancy and project management company. She manages innovations in EU projects related to urban energy planning, resilient cities, nature-based solutions and cultural heritage-led regeneration, among others. She is a results-oriented and hands-on professional with 18+ years of experience and a successful record of accomplishments in the sustainable development, energy planning, and architectural design industries.
Photo: Stadt Linz
Işın Can Traunmüller
Dr. Işın Can Traunmüller is a Research and Funding Coordinator at the Planning, Technology and Environment Department in the City of Linz. She is responsible for the coordination of EU projects and research activities. She has 15 years of experience in research and teaching in the fields of city planning, urban design, architectural design, in the UK and Turkey. Her research interests include urban morphology, environmental psychology, space syntax, urban transformation and neighborhood changes.
The workshop is jointly organized by the City of Linz and the COST Action Positive Energy District European Networks (PED-EU-NET). It is supported by PED-ACT project funded by the EU Driving Urban Transitions Partnership. The game used in the workshop GamePED was developed by the EU Horizon 2020 project MAKING-CITY.
This Workshop is based upon work from COST Action PED-EU-NET, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).