Lighthub, photo: Boris Shershenkov


Boris Shershenkov (RU)

Anton Bruckner Private University, Sonic Lab
Sat 7. Sep 2024 18:00 – 18:50

The Lighthub project explores the essence of electric lights, which differs fundamentally from natural light sources. The designs of technogenic light streams are based on human visual inertia. They carry a significant amount of information hidden from the eye but located within the temporal limits of our auditory perception.

By means of special converters, participants in this walk will have the opportunity to investigate synesthetically the city’s light environment, which is generated by various electrical sources such as advertisements, car headlights, and street lighting systems. They can also create a light and sound map of the area.

As part of the workshop, participants will become co-authors of light-sound walk routes and performers of a cartographic piece from the Lighthub cycle. The performers of the piece, simultaneously moving along pre-agreed routes, record the modulations of the city light streams. During the recording, each route unfolds in the form of a unique sound piece.

Language: EN