Photo: Runway AI Film Festival

Guest Program: Runway’s AI Film Festival

Emeric Leprince (FR), Carlo De Togni & Elena Sparacino (IT), Johans Saldana Guadalupe (PE/US), Katie Luo (US), Junie Lau (CN), Daniel Antebi (MK/US), YZA Voku (ES), Rufus Dye-Montefiore (UK), Luke Dye-Montefiore (UK), Alice Boyd (UK), John Semerad (US) & Dara Semerad (US), Leo Cannone (FR)

JKU MED Campus
Sat 7. Sep 2024 13:00 – 14:00

Runway’s AI Film Festival was established in 2022 and welcomes artists embracing new and emerging AI techniques for filmmaking. The selection presented at Ars Electronica features the previous edition’s festival finalists and offers a glimpse into a new creative era, showing that there is no uniform and one-dimensional style in AI-driven filmmaking. The organization behind the festival is Runway, an applied AI research company founded in 2018 that builds Artificial Intelligence systems and tools for human imagination.

AnimitasEmeric Leprince (FR), 4’
The dawn of creationCarlo De Togni & Elena Sparacino (IT), 7’32’’
Dear Mom Johans Saldana, Guadalupe(PE/US) & Katie Luo (US), 3’
e^(i*π) + 1 = 0Junie Lau (CN), 5’
Get Me OutDaniel Antebi (MK/US), 6’34
LAPSEYZA Voku (ES), 1’47’’
PounamuSamuel Schrag (US), 4’48’’
SeparationRufus Dye-Montefiore (UK), Luke Dye-Montefiore (UK), Alice Boyd (UK), 4’52’’
A Tree Once Grew HereJohn Semerad & Dara Semerad (US), 7’
Where Do Grandmas Go When They Get Lost?Léo Cannone (FR), 2’27’’

Language: EN
FREE / No Ticket

Max. 80