WHAT IS REMAINING, photo: Philip Brunnader


Holunder Heiss (AT), Joachim Smetschka (AT), Roma Janus (PL) Elena Sofia Bisci (IT), Mischa Hall (AU), Yu-Teng Huang (TW), Katharina Illnar (AT), Pavel Povrazník (CZ), Lorenzo Ruta (IT), Nicole Stroh (DE), Hinako Taira (JP), Fleur Wijsman (NL), Matteo Cogliandro (IT), Pedro Tayette (BR), Ilia Dergousoff (CA), Angelica Mattiazzi (IT), Elisa Lodolini (IT), S. Arthur Sicilia (US), Alex Villard (MX), Noayama (DE), Ariathney Coyne (GR/US), Emilia Vogt (DE), Carlotta Borcherding (DE), Holunder Heiss (AT), Joachim Smetschka (AT), Roma Janus (PL)

Ars Electronica Center, Deep Space 8K
Wed 4. Sep 2024 19:00 – 20:30

WHAT IS REMAINING is at the same time the title of, and a question concerning a multidisciplinary cooperation between TANZ LINZ and the department of Time-Based and Interactive Media Arts at the University of Arts Linz.

Over several months, the media artists worked out a three-part dance evening together with the dancers, which is now presented at the Ars Electronica Center: In the Deep Space 8K contemporary dance and interactive digital art merge into a collective distillation on a visual and auditory level. The dancers’ bodies are continued in the media artists’ form of expression – and vice versa.
Matteo Cogliandro, Yu-Teng Huang, Hinako Taira, and Pedro Tayette—all four also active dancers of the 16-member company—choreograph three pieces that are both different and multi-layered in close cooperation with the media artists Carlotta Borcherding, Ariathney Coyne, Holunder Heiß, Lynn Mayya, Noayama, Alex Villard and Emilia Vogt. 

In the words of Joachim Smetschka, head of the Time-Based and Interactive Media Arts department, who developed the concept of this cooperation project together with dance director Roma Janus: “For 90 minutes, we present a multi-layered panorama of the choreographic languages within the company, which are expanded by the vocabulary of media art.”

Language: EN
Registration: required, please register below

Please note: Limited capacity, registration required – in addition to a valid ticket, you need a (free) ticket reservation for the respective event in advance. Reservations for Deep Space 8K events must be scanned on-site no later than 15min before the programme starts.

Warning of Strobe ligth/intense lighting/loud noise.

  • It was

    It was

    Matteo Cogliandro (IT), Pedro Tayette (BR), Elena Sofia Bisci (IT), Mischa Hall (AU), Yu-Teng Huang (TW), Katharina Illnar (AT), Pavel Povrazník (CZ), Lorenzo Ruta (IT), Nicole Stroh (DE), Hinako Taira (JP), Fleur Wijsman (NL), Alex Villard (MX), Noayama / Affine Records (DE)

    The piece It was is about the flow of one’s own individual and collective identity. The title includes a hint of change and movement, a transformation that resembles a metamorphosis. Something was, something is and begins, but both are always mutually dependent.

  • mukayu


    Hinako Taira (JP), Mischa Hall (AU), Lorenzo Ruta (IT), Fleur Wijsman (NL), Carlotta Borcherding (DE), Holunder Heiß (AT)

    Mukayu more or less translates to “everything is nothing,” a concept of “richness in the void” inspired by Zen philosophy. In the audiovisual dance performance, choreographer Hinako Taira and media artists Carlotta Borcherding and Holunder Heiß, together with three dancers of the company, dynamically shape the stage space through movements influenced by minimalist light plays.

  • UniversEye


    Yu-Teng Huang (TW), Elena Sofia Bisci (IT), Matteo Cogliandro (IT), Katharina Illnar (AT), Pavel Povrazník (CZ), Nicole Stroh (DE), Pedro Tayette (BR), S. Arthur Sicilia (US), Elisa Lodolini (IT), Ilia Dergousoff (US), Angelica Mattiazzi (IT), Ariathney Coyne (GR/US), Lynn Mayya (SY), Emilia Vogt (DE)

    The choreographer Yu-Teng Huang and media artists Ariathney Coyne, Lynn Mayya and Emilia Vogt have jointly developed the performance UniversEye through the fusion of digital images, sound and the movements of the dancers. Starting points are relationships, touches and interactions.


  • Photo: Stefanie Kogler

    Alex Villard


    Interactive media artist based in Vienna. Worked on major productions like the 2011 Pan-American Games and created content for projection mapping events and then moved into interactive experiences. Experienced video production manager in creative agencies working for artists like Dj Test, Alanis Morissette, Lenny Kravitz and others, and currently finishing a bachelor’s degree in Time-based and Interactive Media Art at the University of Arts Linz.

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Angelica Mattiazzi


    Mattiazzi received her dance training at Liliana Cosi & Marinel Stefanescu Ballet School and later at the Balletto di Toscana in Italy. Her career began at the BDT dance company, dancing in the most important Italian theatres and working with renowned choreographers, such as Diego Tortelli, Davide Bombana, Arianna Benedetti, Nicola Galli. She was later involved as a freelance on different projects, working for Aterballetto (choreographer D. Tortelli), National Theatre of Genoa (G. di Cicco), Theatre la Fenice in Venice and various projects in Berlin, including dancing for Animi Motus dance company. Since 2021/2022, she is a member of the TANZ LINZ ensemble at the Landestheater Linz.

  • Photo: Ariathney Coyne

    Ariathney Coyne


    Ariathney Coyne is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher raised in Vienna, Austria. After completing her studies in neuroscience, she studied contemporary dance and media arts in Linz and Berlin. Her practice includes movement, generative art, film and writing. She thrives in collaborative environments and is guided by curiosity and improvisation.

  • Carlotta Borcherding


    Carlotta Borcherding is a multimedia artist based in Linz. By composing sound, choreographic and visual elements they create acoustic and optical landscapes. Their Deep Space performance Environment had its premiere at the Ars Festival 2023 as the film Environment had its international premiere at the Gwangju Media Art Festival 2023. As an audiovisual artist they recently worked on the piece 無何有-mukayu. by choreographer Hinako Taira with the company TANZ LINZ of the Landestheater. 

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Elena Sofia Bisci


    Elena Sofia Bisci was trained in ballet and contemporary technique, the Graham technique and the Paul Taylor technique. From 2016 to 2017, she received a scholarship for the MOTUS Dance Company in Siena. In 2017, Bisci moved to New York, where she first worked with the dance company Hanna Q. In 2019, she completed the Peridance Center’s Certificate Program under the direction of Igal Perry and joined the Peridance Contemporary Dance Company (PCDC). In March 2019 Elena Sofia performed at the TDF Gala at Gotham Hall in New York. In 2020 she joined the Tabula Rasa Dance Theater Company. In New York she worked with, among others: Igal Perry, Johanna LjungQvist- Brinson, Julie Magneville, Alice Klock, Manuel Vignoulle, Yin Yue, Andrea Miller and Jae Man Joo. Since 2021/2022, Bisci has been a member of the TANZ LINZ ensemble at the Landestheater Linz.

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Elisa Lodolini


    Elisa Lodolini graduated from the Balletto di Toscana and was then engaged by the Joffrey Ballet in New York and Area Jeune Ballet in Geneva, among others. From May 2019 to July 2022 she was a solo dancer at the Royal Ballet Fehervár in Hungary under the direction of Attila Egerházi, where she had the opportunity to dance choreographies by Attila Egherházi, Alexander Ekmann, Lukas Timulak, Kristian Ole Tangen and Zsòfia Nemes. Lodolini has been a member of the TANZ LINZ ensemble at the Landestheater Linz since the 2022/2023 season.

  • Photo: Noah Berger

    Emilia Vogt


    Emilia Vogt is a performance and multimedia artist. Her interactive installations, videos, live streams and performances often focus on topics such as her body, its environment, time, intimacy and confrontation. She was part of several exhibitions and festivals around Austria and Germany.

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Fleur Wijsman


    Fleur Wijsman first graduated as a dance teacher from Nova College in Haarlem in 2014 before she went to Amsterdam to receive her bachelor’s degree in Modern Theatre Dance at the Amsterdam University of the Arts. There she did choreographies by Emio Creco, Ohad Naharin and Roser López Espinosa. In 2017 she completed an internship at Introdans in Arnhem, where she also became a guest dancer. During the years at Introdans she danced choreographies by Alexander Ekman, Lucinda Childs, Mauro Bigonzetti, José Limón, Nils Christe and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. In 2021/2022 Fleur joined the ensemble of TANZ LINZ.

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Hinako Taira


    Hinako Taira was born in Kobe, Japan and received a broad training in karate up to black belt, learned ballet with Owen Montague, Jan Nuyts, the Graham technique with Graham McKelvie, Alessandra Prosperi, Elizabeth Ann Auclair, and the GAGA technique with Ayako Kurakake.

    She toured through Ukraine with Toru Shimazaki and Emi Hariyama under the direction of Vladimir Malakhov and worked in Japan and Germany. In 2022 she danced in Aida at the Dresden Semperoper. Taira has also been part of various festivals such as Dance at the Gathering Prix de Lausanne Select Dancer Festival, as well as Vladimir Malakhov and the Stars of the World ballet. She has also received numerous awards as a choreographer such as the Award for Excellence FDFF Choreographers Award. Taira has been a part of the TANZ LINZ ensemble since 2022/2023.

  • Photo: Holunder Heiss

    Holunder Heiss


    After completing extensive technical training, Holunder Heiß decided to study digital art at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. His works and creations mostly move at the interfaces and the search for the essence of the machine. Holunder Heiß has been teaching Time-Based and Interactive Media Arts at the University of Arts Linz since 2016.

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Ilia Dergousoff


    Ilia Dergousoff began dancing at the age of four and received his training at The School of Toronto Dance Theatre. He was then part of EDge Dance Company where he performed in works by Alleyne Dance, Igor x Moreno and Riccardo Buscarini. In 2020, he graduated from London Contemporary Dance School with a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts. In Toronto and Vancouver he has worked with Lamondance, Company B, Jenn Edwards, Hit&Run Productions, Near&Far Projects, Lucy Rupert and Laurence Siegel. He also participated in various workshops including BODYTRAFFIC, One Body One Career, Rubberband and most recently Springboard Danse Montréal (2022). Ilia Dergousoff has been part of the TANZ LINZ ensemble since the 2022/2023 season.

  • Photo: Joachim Smetschka

    Joachim Smetschka


    Joachim Smetschka is an Austrian artist who explores the fields of time-based media and experimental formats. He specifically focuses on the intersections of various disciplines and intermediate spaces that can open up in undefined transition zones. He studied Experimental Visual Design and was a member of the Ars Electronica Futurelab, founded in 1996, where he developed and realized numerous media art projects. Since 2004 he has been working and teaching at the University of Arts Linz, where he holds a professorship as the head of the Time-Based and Interactive Media Arts department.

  • Photo: Khaled Bakkora

    Lynn Mayya


    Lynn Mayya is a Syrian-born multimedia artist who studies Time-based and Interactive Media Art at the University of Arts Linz. Influenced by avant-garde and minimalist aesthetics, she critically engages with social and political discourse. Her unconventional approach integrates art, technology and contemporary politics, creating immersive interactive experiences that challenge perceptions and provoke reflection.

  • Photo: Philip Brunnader

    Roma Janus


    Studied theater, film and media studies at the University of Vienna and cultural management at the Institute for Cultural Concepts in Vienna. Roma Janus has been working as a cultural manager since 2002. She began as an assistant director at the theater and gained professional experience as a dramaturge and director. In 2015, she founded the agency ROCONCEPT Performing Arts Management. Janus organizes international tours in Asia, Europe, North and South America. In 2016, she curated the Austrian dance festival “Let the Artists (Not)Die” in the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw. In the 2020/2021 and 2021/2021 seasons, she worked at the Landestheater Linz as dance manager and dramaturge, where she took over as artistic director of the dance department in the 2022/2023 season.


Choreography Matteo Cogliandro, Yu-Teng Huang, Hinako Taira, Pedro Tayette
Choreographic consultation Yuko Harada
Dramaturgy Roma Janus
Production Maria Terkamp
Conception and artistic direction Roma Janus, Joachim Smetschka
Dance and co-creation Elena Sofia Bisci, Mischa Hall, Yu-Teng Huang, Katharina Illnar, Pavel Povrazník, Lorenzo Ruta, Nicole Stroh, Hinako Taira, Fleur Wijsman, Matteo Cogliandro, Pedro Tayette, Ilia Dergousoff, Angelica Mattiazzi, Elisa Lodolini, S. Arthur Sicilia
Visualization, music and sound design Carlotta Borcherding, Ariathney Coyne, Holunder Heiß, Lynn Mayya, Noayama, Alex Villard, Emilia Vogt
Film team, documentary Francisca Friedrich, Caro Bobek

A cooperation of the Tanz Company of the Landestheater with the Department of Time-Based and Interactive Media Arts of the University of Arts Linz and the Ars Electronica Center.