Hopetimist, Hesitant or Skeptic?/Photo: tom mesic

Hopetimist, Hesitant or Skeptic?

Ars Electronica Solutions

Mental Currents

Hopetimist, Hesitant, or Skeptic is an interactive installation that navigates the complexities of human perception and cognition. Visitors are presented with three poetic statements that tap into the intricacies of being an optimist, pessimist, or realist in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world.
Players are presented with various scenarios and each throws their ball into the tube corresponding to their chosen answer. By pressing the buzzer, all answers are logged, and the next question appears. The results are displayed in an animated format and compared with those of other festival-goers.
Through this interactive experience, not only are personal thought patterns explored, but the dynamics between different attitudes within a team are also highlighted. This unique gaming experience is more than just entertainment; it encourages you to reflect on your own perspective and recognize how you perceive the world around you and how differently people can respond to the same situations.
The game is a prototype that will be part of a larger experiential game at the Museum Arbeitswelt in Steyr, focusing on the theme of work, in the future. It is especially geared towards teenagers.