Photo: Paribartana Mohanty

Immersive Sky Experience

Paribartana Mohanty (IN)

Immersive Sky Experience explores the common sky as an observatory for forecasting using artificial intelligence, machine learning technology, data mining, and archiving for climate storytelling and weather predictions. It forecasts on a minute-to-minute basis weather changes to specific micro geographies, providing reports from windows, streets, villages, municipalities, and small towns. The project brings visual data/photos of the sky from six coastal districts of Odisha, voluntarily uploaded by the public. This provides a unique perspective on and experience of the Odia language and culture, Odia people and their characteristics. This is a web-based interactive project. The audience sees a continuously changing sky juxtaposed with a climate story or forecast.


  • Photo: Prin Rodriguez

    Paribartana Mohanty


    Paribartana Mohanty is a multimedia artist who studies the deep impacts of recurring cyclones, tsunamis, and land erosion on marginal coastal communities in Odisha. His work has been exhibited in MACAN Museum, Indonesia; Ars Electronica Festival, Linz (2022); New Museum, New York (2022); Chennai Photo Biennale 3 (2022); 4th VH Award and EYEBEAM (2021). He has a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and an MA in History of Art from the National Museum Institute, New Delhi (2006).


Conception and Creation: Paribartana Mohanty / Text and Translation: Paribartana Mohanty and Gita Nandan Ballabha Das / Research Assistance: Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo, Gita Nandan Ballabha Das, Satyabadi Biswal / Technical Assistance: Jyoti Ranjan Nayak (Sigma Analytics and Computing Pvt Ltd, Odisha) / Finance and mentorship supported by Sharjah Art Foundation Production Program 2023 and Prince Claus Mentorship Award for Cultural & Artistic Responses to Environmental Change 2022-23.

The presentation of the work is funded by State of the ART(ist), a collaboration between the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ars Electronica.