Inspired by the Right to be Forgotten legislation, meta:morphosis features a workshop and an interactive installation where participants can explore their digital pasts and learn to reshape online narratives. Audience members will add their own experiences with data by writing on dissolvable soap paper and then putting it into a fountain (like a coin to make a wish). This act allows that piece of information to “be forgotten” or cleansed by way of a ritual.
Aleksandra Naydenova
Aleksandra Naydenova is a UX / service designer and socio-technological researcher whose practice transcends boundaries with a critical, interdisciplinary and accessible approach.
Amber Macintyre
Amber Macintyre is a researcher, facilitator and mixed-media artist.
Cyan D’Anjou
Cyan D’Anjou is a multimedia performance and sculpture artist whose work takes on a speculative quality as she envisions the potential impact of current technological advancements in virtual experience and information economics.
Dorijn Boogaard
Dorijn Boogaard is a project advisor at an NGO facilitating public-private partnerships in the field of digitalization.
Kurina Sohn
Kurina Sohn is a South Korean multidisciplinary designer based in Amsterdam. She is fascinated by exploring realms, lifeforms and narratives that transcend the ordinary.