open lab: meat, metal, code / Umanesimo Artificiale (IT)/Photo: flap

open lab: meat, metal, code

Umanesimo Artificiale (IT)

As our identities intertwine more deeply with the digital realm, transreal encourages the visitors to challenge traditional concepts of selfhood and embodiment, inviting them to actively engage in the exploration. A defining feature of Umanesimo Artificiale intervention at Ars Electronica Festival 2024 is the creation of an open lab environment where artists work in real time, involving visitors in the creative process. Visitors have the chance not only to gain insight into the artists’ research but also to directly experience and contribute to the final artwork as it evolves throughout the festival.

Central to the open lab is the question: How do we perceive and embody ourselves within the virtual realm? In the collaborative project transreal, contemporary dancer Hannah Wimmer and transmedia artist Maximilian Prag traverse the boundaries of flesh and code, becoming vessels for a symphony of prosthetic reembodiment. Here, computers and devices become whispers of our identity, sculpting narratives that transcend the digital horizon and echo through the corridors of our collective consciousness.

  • transreal


    Hannah Wimmer (AT), Maximilian Prag (AT)

    In the face of digital (dis)continuities between overload and intuitive understanding of the body, doublings of worlds are renegotiated in transreal. The two artists dedicate themselves to the inseparable relationship between bodies and digital space and venture a look under the skin, at the structures and meta-physical conditions of our time.

Umanesimo Artificiale (IT)

Umanesimo Artificiale is a cultural organization working with exponential technologies. It operates worldwide from Fano, Italy, with a network of partners across Europe. Umanesimo Artificiale was born with the aim of investigating what it means to be human in the era of artificial intelligence. It promotes coding and computational (creative) thinking through the medium of digital and performing arts, raising awareness about the fertile relationship between humans and new technologies.