Impression – create your world/Photo: flap

Ars Electronica Platform Europe

Platform Europe is a forum of exchange and collaboration for a network of cultural institutions, artists, scientists, technologists and policymakers who come together in different constellations around projects (co-)funded by the European Union. Though the issues we address here might be global, we acknowledge that our perspective is, perforce, deeply embedded in the European context. In creating this space of dialogue, we make room for a critical restlessness that challenges the universality of our European perspective, seeking to connect it to different viewpoints.


  • Applied Virtualities: Extended Reality in Practice

    Applied Virtualities: Extended Reality in Practice

    Over the last decades, we have embraced a new technology that dissolved the binary of virtual and real to merge and blend physical and digital spaces. The project Realities in Transition focuses on artistic XR that explores not only the intellectual investigation of XR as a medium of expression and creation, but also the technical…

  • Better Factory

    Better Factory

    Better Factory provides a methodology for manufacturing SMEs to collaborate with artists and technology suppliers to develop new and personalized products Better Factory empowers manufacturing SMEs to compete globally by integrating art and technology to create new, personalised products. Each team—comprising a manufacturing SME, an artist and a technology provider—receives up to €200k in funding…

  • create your world

    create your world

    the page turners

    Will we turn the page? Is it really just two sides? Or, more likely, a multiple choice scenario that we as a society must navigate together? Turning the tide in the right direction is not a binary process, it requires many different points of view and aspects to be considered. Of course, we all need…

  • FUNKEN Academy

    FUNKEN Academy

    The projects developed and featured in the framework of FUNKEN Academy showcase artistic experiments with different scientific topics, as data, fungi or DNA.

  • Label4Future


    The projects featured in the framework of Label4Future showcase new artistic visions for more sustainable production methodologies.

  • S+T+ARTS Exhibition

    S+T+ARTS Exhibition

    The STARTS exhibition sheds light on the impressive and wide-ranging roles of artistic and creative communities, showcasing their potential to act as inspirations and driving forces during these times and beyond. From individual artists to larger institutional efforts, the exhibition highlights projects and initiatives that are actively working to bring about change through their innovative…

  • Science through Society

    Science through Society

    European Union Prize for Citizen Science Exhibition

    Citizen Science stands for scientific research that transforms the allocation of roles and agency in the research process. Citizens initiate, design, and implement investigations in collaboration with scientists, enabling all persons involved in the process to gain new perspectives as well as access to and understanding of data (volumes), and to design the solutions to…


  • 3D Gaussian Splatting for XR

    3D Gaussian Splatting for XR

    Artem Konevskikh (RU)

    The workshop will introduce participants to 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), a novel machine learning approach to volumetric data representation and rendering, and explore its application in Extended Reality (XR).

  • A Beacon of Hope: Create your own AR/VR avatar

    A Beacon of Hope: Create your own AR/VR avatar

    Dragos Silion (RO), Ionut Olteanu (RO)

    Join us for a short overview of the possibilities that augmented and virtual realities have brought to the art sector in recent years. You can also be part of an interactive workshop and presentation where you will learn about new media and 3D tools while having the chance to be a co-creator of A Beacon…

  • Against AI Narratives

    Against AI Narratives

    Rasa Bocyte (LT)

    Mainstream AI narratives suck. We are stuck with language, visuals and metaphors that force us to think about AI’s “transformative potential” and “inevitable adoption”. But is that what we want? At this workshop we will collectively create alternative AI narratives and examine their building blocks.

  • Critical Cartography of the New Extractivism

    Critical Cartography of the New Extractivism

    Vladan Joler (RS)

    This workshop explores different theoretical concepts related to the topics of power, control, digital labor, and exploitation. It is designed to help us understand the complexities enabling the new structures of power hidden behind the screens of our devices.

  • Frischer Wind

    Frischer Wind

    Mary Mayrhofer (AT), Konstantin Redl (AT), Emma Gruber (AT), Linda Michelitsch (AT)

    Young people face great uncertainty. In our state of permanent crisis, people discuss, argue, and some resign themselves to the situation. In the twilight of democracy, however, the debate about change is conspicuously silent. Yet this is what must take place now. Do we need change? Is change possible? And if so, how? The audience…

  • GIRL AI: Playful Subversion with AI & Design

    GIRL AI: Playful Subversion with AI & Design

    Dominika Čupková (SK)

    Our virtual and real lives are almost completely interconnected. Online, offline, virtual, physical & genders—all blend into a hypersoup with one ingredient particularly standing out. AI has furiously entered the chat.

  • Imagining the Possible Future Scenarios

    Imagining the Possible Future Scenarios

    Carolina Espinoza (CL), Carolin Liebl (DE), Anna Letycja Walicka (PL), David Rickard (NZ/GB), Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler (DE), Lara Campos (ES), Gijs Schalkx (NL), Anna Schaeffner (FR), NMASA Design (SE/ES/IT), Miha Turšič (SI/NL), Govert Flint (NL), Peter Sokol, Ivana Linder, Doris Srčič, Dagmar Zvonickova Fredholm, Alen Sapek

    Participating organizations from the Label4future project will take part in a matchmaking session with professionals from the culture and creative sectors, including designers and new media artists.

  • Low Carbon Food System

    Low Carbon Food System

    Ling Tan (UK/SG)

    Food, with its close association with culture, is something we all have in common, breaking down barriers and bringing us all together.

  • The Solar Share

    The Solar Share


    The Solar Share stages a form of planetary economics based on photosynthesis. Every day a microalgae culture converts sunlight into edible biomass. The yield of the 1 sq.m bioreactor is a concrete means of measuring solar income—actual new energy entering the Earth’s metabolism.

  • Toguna World and The Sanctuary of Dreams

    Toguna World and The Sanctuary of Dreams

    Pierre-Christophe Gam (FR)

    Woven around the Five Pillars of IFA — an ancient divination system from West Africa — the two-hour ritual explores the possibilities of how we could Eat, Play, Dream, Pray, and Love in an ideal future.

Platform Europe is (co-)funded by the European Union through various funding programs.