PodcastLab / create your world (AT), c3 (HU), InSync Youth and Family Services (IE), mb21 (DE), Only Tomorrow Association (RO)/Photo: tom mesic


create your world (AT), c3 (HU), InSync Youth and Family Services (IE), mb21 (DE), Only Tomorrow Association (RO)

Youth Exchange Project 2024

The 14th Youth Exchange Project will bring young people from five different countries to Linz for a cultural and artistic exchange during the Ars Electronica Festival. By bringing together creative people between the ages of 16 and 23 with a wide range of talents, a multifaceted project will be created over the course of the Festival.

The overall goal is to exchange creative and artistic ideas, and this year the international group will work together in an open lab to produce podcasts: From brainstorming and conception to production and recording to post-production with editing, music selection and sound design. Interested visitors are invited to participate. The results will be available at the festival and online.

The choice of topics is entirely up to the young participants: From ideas for shaping our society and future, to social and political agendas, to artistic debates inspired by the festival—anything that sparks the interest of young creatives is possible.



ORF radio FM4 supports the PodcastLab with valuable know-how and technical equipment.

Presented in the context of the Critical ChangeLab project. Critical ChangeLab is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101094217 – HORIZON-CL2-2022-DEMOCRACY-01-04.