FLOCK OF / bit.studio (TH)

For Art Lovers

Art and its interplay with society and technology, has remained the central focus of Ars Electronica since its inception in 1979. Whether it’s through expansive exhibitions, unique events, captivating concerts, or inspiring lectures, we invite you to explore the remarkable projects featured in this year’s festival, meet the creative minds behind them and take a piece of their passion and imagination home with you!


  • Cascade


    Marc Vilanova (ES)

    Waterfalls emit infrasounds, which are vital for the navigation of migratory birds, though inaudible to us. Recent noise pollution threatens this navigation. Cascade attempts to reproduce infrasonic recordings of waterfalls using a series of speakers incapable of emitting such low frequencies. This failure generates vibrations that activate an optical fiber through which the sound “falls,”…

  • Distorted Flower

    Distorted Flower

    Ryo Kishi (JP)

    Distorted Flower explores the dilemma caused by the distortion of fixed concepts. The continuously transforming petals symbolize such deformation at first glance, but from another angle, they appear to be dynamically creating new forms. Distorted Flower poses to the audience the question of whether the distortions of the stereotypes that come with technological evolution are…



    bit.studio (TH)

    Blurring the boundary between imagination and reality, helium balloons become a living organism. Sensors, software and physics combine to create a spectacle that redefines our perception of the natural world.

  • I’m Feeling Lucky

    I’m Feeling Lucky

    Timothy Thomasson (CA)

    I’m Feeling Lucky is a real-time generative animation featuring historically and geographically ambiguous landscapes, drawing from the perceptual and historical frameworks of 19th-century panorama paintings. The infinite landscape is populated with thousands of 3D figures from around the world, sourced from Google Street View.

  • Iron 56

    Iron 56

    Carlos Sfeir Vottero (CL/ES)

    Iron 56 invites humans to engage with the fundamental forces of nature that organize the universe and shape the core of our planet. An intertwined series of compasses hang from the ceiling. The mobile structures are calibrated to point to the south pole. Each compass’s tendency to align with the Earth’s gravitational field is disrupted…

  • Organism + Excitable Chaos

    Organism + Excitable Chaos

    Navid Navab (IR/CA), Garnet Willis (CA)

    The chaotic movements of Excitable Chaos, a robotically-modulated triple pendulum, conducts the turbulent thresholds of Organism, a robotically-prepared pipe organ. What is seen in Excitable Chaos’s motion is heard in Organism’s compositional form, as it destabilizes its own socio-historical tonality to sound its turbulent materiality. Turbulent sonifications of chaotic motion serve as emergent meditations on…

  • Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition 2024

    Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition 2024

    The Prix Ars Electronica, the most time-honoured media art competition, has always functioned as a sensitive instrument to capture the spirit of the times since its inception in 1987. In 2024, there were 2,950 entries from 95 countries in the following categories: New Animation Art, Interactive Art +, and u19-create your world.

  • Toguna World and the Sanctuary of Dreams

    Toguna World and the Sanctuary of Dreams

    Pierre-Christophe Gam (FR)

    The accelerator of the Imagination Toguna World and the Sanctuary of Dreams is a mixed-media art installation, which combines virtual reality, art, film and music to support a Future-dreaming ritual through which participants can envision desirable future scenarios guided by their innermost desires.


  • AI and Artistic Creation

    AI and Artistic Creation

    Prix Ars Electronica Forum 2024 co-hosted by European Digital Deal

    A day of thought-provoking sessions, interactive workshops, and inspiring case studies on AI and creativity. As AI enters a wide range of spheres in the creative industries, the Prix Ars Electronica Forum program brings together artists, academics, researchers, technologists, and activists to share their perspectives on how AI and artistic creation can intertwine. What is…

  • Meet the Artist: Nicolas Gourault

    Meet the Artist: Nicolas Gourault

    Nicolas Gourault (FR)

    Alongside the rich and diverse screening program of Ars Electronica Animation Festival, we’re thrilled to announce that several artists awarded at Prix 2024 will be joining us at medSPACE and Deep Space 8k to present their work in person.

  • Meet the Artist: Timothy Thomasson and Jeremy Kamal

    Meet the Artist: Timothy Thomasson and Jeremy Kamal

    Landscapes of Memory. Landscapes of Imagination Alongside the rich and diverse screening program of Ars Electronica Animation Festival, we are thrilled to announce that several artists awarded at Prix Ars Electronica 2024 will be joining us at medSPACE and Deep Space 8K to present their work in person.

  • Notre-Dame Immersive

    Notre-Dame Immersive

    Ars Electronica (AT), Iconem (FR), Histovery (FR)

    After the devastating fire in 2019, Notre-Dame de Paris rises from the ashes as an immersive experience. In collaboration with French start-ups Iconem and Histovery, the Ars Electronica Futurelab is bringing the cathedral into Deep Space 8K. Visitors can explore a vast 3D model and discover the architecture and works of art from new perspectives.…



    Beatie Wolfe (GB), Jeremy Kamal (US), Timothy Thomasson (CA), Nicolas Gourault (FR), Los (CN), Jordan Clarke (CA), Kordae Henry (US), Rachel Maclean (GB)

    Prix Ars Electronica Best-Of is a compilation of outstanding animations chosen by the jury from the works submitted to the New Animation Art category of Prix Ars Electronica 2024.



    Holunder Heiss (AT), Joachim Smetschka (AT), Roma Janus (PL) Elena Sofia Bisci (IT), Mischa Hall (AU), Yu-Teng Huang (TW), Katharina Illnar (AT), Pavel Povrazník (CZ), Lorenzo Ruta (IT), Nicole Stroh (DE), Hinako Taira (JP), Fleur Wijsman (NL), Matteo Cogliandro (IT), Pedro Tayette (BR), Ilia Dergousoff (CA), Angelica Mattiazzi (IT), Elisa Lodolini (IT), S. Arthur Sicilia (US), Alex Villard (MX), Noayama (DE), Ariathney Coyne (GR/US), Emilia Vogt (DE), Carlotta Borcherding (DE), Holunder Heiss (AT), Joachim Smetschka (AT), Roma Janus (PL)

    WHAT IS REMAINING is at the same time the title of, and a question concerning a multidisciplinary cooperation between TANZ LINZ and the department of Time-Based and Interactive Media Arts at the University of Arts Linz.