Electromagnetic Street Bon Dance Festival / ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS! (JP), Photo: Mao Yamamoto

For Community Builders

Approaching others, starting a conversation, gaining new perspectives, breaking out of familiar thought patterns – communication is the key to every Ars Electronica Festival. Creative exchange opens up new worlds, sparks hope and reminds us that, no matter how diverse and unique we all may be, we can always come together and bring about positive change.


  • Arts at CERN

    Arts at CERN

    Arts at CERN is the arts programme of CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva, Switzerland. Since 2012, when the first residence arrived, we have invited artists to experience how physicists and engineers use the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments to explore the big questions about the Universe. Arts at CERN…

  • Black Movement Library

    Black Movement Library

    LaJuné McMillian (US)

    The Black Movement Library’s projects Movement Portraits and Spirit and Child showcase the evolution of LaJuné McMillian’s art practice, integrating performance and extended reality tools to celebrate and dive into Black embodied realities.

  • Data Art & Science (DAS) Center

    Data Art & Science (DAS) Center

    Toyota Coniq Alpha (JP), Shiga University (JP), Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

    Data Art & Science (DAS) is a new interdisciplinary field to incorporate artistic perspectives on data. At the Ars Electronica Festival 2024, visitors can experience a prototype of the DAS center which aims to revitalize local culture in the Japanese prefecture of Shiga – to help tackle problems such as depopulation and an ageing society.

  • do-gether


    Thomas Nayer (AT)

    do-gether, founded by Thomas Nayer, 21 years old and a wheelchair user, aims to bring the term “help” into the digital age and to be a platform for assistance of all kinds. With an easy-to-use app, a simple payment system and a focus on security and community, do-gether aims to change the way people can…

  • Mutualidad de Fantasmática Electrónica

    Mutualidad de Fantasmática Electrónica

    Federico Gloriani (AR)

    The installation, composed of four overhead projectors and recorded material, is the result of the systematic work carried out by a group of electronic artists in Rosario, Argentina. Mutualidad de Fantasmática Electrónica (Mutuality of Electronic Phantasmatics) is a performative and relational project aimed to gather and reuse electronic devices found in waste containers around the…

  • Nanna Langa

    Nanna Langa

    Indu Antony (IN)

    Nanna Langa (translated from Kannada as “my skirt”) is a transformative art installation comprising a monumental 23-feet-long skirt, intricately woven with the intimate stories of women from Namma Katte, an inclusive leisure center in Bengaluru, India.

  • Science through Society

    Science through Society

    European Union Prize for Citizen Science Exhibition

    Citizen Science stands for scientific research that transforms the allocation of roles and agency in the research process. Citizens initiate, design, and implement investigations in collaboration with scientists, enabling all persons involved in the process to gain new perspectives as well as access to and understanding of data (volumes), and to design the solutions to…

  • The Queer Muslim Project

    The Queer Muslim Project

    Rafiul Alom Rahman (IN), Rachita Sai Barak (IN), Maniza Khalid (IN)

    The Queer Muslim Project is Asia’s leading digital and cultural platform for queer, Muslim, and diverse voices, with a growing global community of over 70,000 people. Nurturing underrepresented LGBTQIA+ talent, it provides them with the tools, resources and networks to tell stories that can generate sustainable change. The project’s programs include Language is a Queer…

  • Young Artist Space—Should the tide be turned?

    Young Artist Space—Should the tide be turned?

    Otelo eGen (AT)

    The Young Artist Space is a dynamic open space and art hub for young artists and cultural practitioners at the Ars Electronica Festival 2024. This space invites them to reflect, share and discuss the diverse artistic impressions of the festival and it offers numerous possibilities for use.


  • Energizing Neighborhoods: From Dialogue to Co-Creation

    Energizing Neighborhoods: From Dialogue to Co-Creation

    Bahanur Nasya (AT), Isin Can Traunmüller (TR), Vicky Albert-Seifried (DE), Beril Alpagut (TR)

    Designing Positive Energy Districts through Gameplay. Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) are seen as one of the key urban transition pathways towards climate neutrality. The European Union has set out a vision of creating 100 PEDs in Europe by 2025.

  • Town Hall Meeting: Citizen Science

    Town Hall Meeting: Citizen Science

    Vanessa Hannesschläger (EU), Nicole Grüneis (AT)

    Citizen Science is a Game Changer. The transformation it brings affects citizens as much as institutions involved in scientific and research processes, from the academic field to non-formal educational and research contexts. In this Town Hall meeting, we therefore invite professionals from all types of institutions, but also representatives of grassroots, bottom-up and community driven…