• On the breathing wings of a horse

    On the breathing wings of a horse

    Maria Dirneder (AT)

    On the breathing wings of a horse is an interactive art installation that merges human breath with the essence of equine movement. The horse’s gait captures a unique breath, intertwining with the rhythm of nature. This project explores the symbiotic relationship between humans and horses.

  • New Cartographies 

    New Cartographies 

    Behiye Erdemir (TR)

    New Cartographies explores the unseen landscapes of electromagnetic space. Transmitted images capture snapshots of this landscape at specific moments and locations, visually representing the dynamic electromagnetic spectrum. Variations in clarity and distortions reflect the flux of electronic activities, offering glimpses into our digital habits.

  • io


    Doğuş Karlık (TR)

    io (in/out) is a term used for the interface of signals or data received or sent by a system. It can also be interpreted as inside and outside. This device stands at the point where those two meanings dissolve into each other. An artificial auditory environment is generated inside the helmet from the video stream…

  • I am, We are

    I am, We are

    Yuseung Lee (KR)

    How do you perceive yourself, and how do we see ourselves? I am, We are is an interactive installation with two sections, “I am” and “We are.” In “I am,” users complete the sentence starting with “I am…”. AI analyzes and visualizes these responses, assigning emotional scores.



    Andrea Corradi (IT)

    Godspeed explores the Doppler effect as a compositional tool using a drone equipped with speakers to create real-time harmonic shifts. This acoustic performance is being tested through the support of qujOchÖ in the southern harbor district near the former Quelle department store, the LINZ AG sports field, and the Hello Yellow Velodrome.

  • Ghosts


    Ahmed Jamal (EG)

    Ghosts is an interactive installation that uses sensors and robotic arms to create a dynamic, playful space. It challenges the expected behavior of machines, sometimes responding to users, sometimes not, creating confusion and mistrust. It represents the glitches and distractions of everyday life and aims to make machine interaction more human.

  • Echoes of the past

    Echoes of the past

    Viktoria Angyal (HU)

    Echoes of the past is an interactive installation that collects, records, organizes, and fuses the memories of the audience together. Visitors are invited to contribute by talking about their pleasant childhood memories, which are then presented as a collection.

  • EchoCore


    Rene Preuer (AT), Mathias Gartner (AT), Ingrid Graz (AT)

    The human heartbeat pulsates as an echo of our innermost feelings and longings. In EchoCore, this essence comes to life through illuminated and malleable soft spheres, awaiting the touch of the viewer. Through touch, the heartbeat is imprinted, setting the spheres in motion.

  • Création Nocturne

    Création Nocturne

    Maria Konstantinova (RU)

    A mystical ceremony is conducted to honor and nurture a rare species, Création, blooming for just a single night. Création Nocturne is a participatory performance that invites visitors to study and reflect on the causes of existential terror-induced insomnia through collective meditation.

  • City Culinary Journey 

    City Culinary Journey 

    Liyuan Dong (CN), Weichen Zhang (CN)

    This is a microwave-based interaction experience where you can taste the signature dishes of a city and listen to its stories. Set the city parameters in the tangible microwave, choose the ingredients, and wait for the AI to find the prepared dishes.

  • Blue Danube

    Blue Danube

    Sofia Talanti (IT)

    The artist’s brainwaves, used as input for the visual output, bring the project to life. Through a data visualization and resolution of mental health issues (depression and PTSD), the artist gives space to numbers and data collection to catalyze thoughts as a time factor.

  • 4everfeed


    Maria Orciuoli (IT)

    Once Alessia_3K, now the face of an AI-powered video ad, scrolls her way through self-staged caricatures and CGI effects for the era of mass entertainment. The artist blends fiction, the lexicon of online performances, and the generative paradigm to stage ads scripted by TikTok’s AI assistant.