Pecha Kucha is an event celebrating the 20th anniversary of interface cultures (IC) at the University of Arts Linz. Select alumni will give short Pecha Kucha-style talks, discussing their artistic and career evolution since earning their degrees and presenting current works in progress.
Researching ways in which Data Art & Science (DAS) can aid in the local revitalization of the Shiga prefecture in Japan is one of the core goals of the DAS project.
Art and data intersect to foster a more informed, compassionate society. Artistic strategies offer new experiences and understanding, creating meaning where science creates knowledge.
At this Tea Talk, researchers and artists from the Ars Electronica Futurelab invite you – over a (literal and figurative) cup of tea – to engage in a lively discourse about the courage to have optimism and HOPE in the face of immense challenges.
At this Tea Talk, researchers and artists from the Ars Electronica Futurelab invite you to explore human identity, creativity, and ethics with regard to AI and data over a (literal and figurative) cup of tea.
At this Tea Talk, researchers and artists from the Ars Electronica Futurelab invite you to engage in a discussion on the programmability of matter and the intersection of making and unmaking in Living Logic over a (literal and figurative) cup of tea.
At this Tea Talk, researchers and artists from the Ars Electronica Futurelab invite you to explore the avant-garde of visualization and human computing technologies over a (literal and figurative) cup of tea.
At this Tea Talk, researchers and artists from the Ars Electronica Futurelab, who lead the Futurelab Academy, invite you to engage in a lively discourse about creative methods in educational contexts over a (literal and metaphorical) cup of tea. By exchanging innovative approaches, creative models, challenging ideas and best practices this informal yet insightful event…
JKU medSPACE has been showcasing fascinating insights into the human body since 2021 with Preview 3D LIVE Anatomy. New datasets from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility are installed in JKU medSPACE and shown in 3D on a 14×7-meter projection screen. A cooperation project between the JKU and the Medical University of Graz enables people in…
As creators in an era of Technofeudalism, how can we challenge the status quo by introducing innovations in technological applications while maintaining cultural diversity? In Taiwan, the cultural content industry collaborates with technology companies, integrating soft power with hardware to foster creativity. Creators, enterprises and the public sector attempt to come up with a human-centered,…
This session provides an exclusive overview of the Digital Inter/Section (DI/S) outcomes, a pan-European project exploring new business models for digital art organizations. Over the past few years, DI/S stakeholders have gathered extensive industry insights, published comprehensive reports, developed sustainability guidelines, and experimented with prototyping business models. The session will preview some innovative tools and…
We cordially invite our European partners and the members of our network to join us for the Creative Europe Get-together. The Creative Europe program is a funding scheme of the European Union to support the culture, creative and audiovisual sector. This meeting gives members of cultural institutions the chance to network in a relaxed atmosphere.