Neural Neighborhood / Martin Reiter (AT), Florian Nimmervoll (AT), Mario Zeppetzauer (AT), Photo: Martin Reiter

Linz Institute of Technology Exhibition

The Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) at JKU is presenting eight funded projects, each demonstrating the synergy between artistic exploration and scientific research. These projects illustrate how creativity can drive scientific discovery and how scientific challenges can inspire artistic innovation in turn.

  • BruQner—The Sound of Entanglement

    BruQner—The Sound of Entanglement

    Clemens Wenger (AT), Enar de Dios Rodríguez (ES), Martin Ringbauer (AT), Johannes Kofler (AT), Richard Küng (AT), Alexander Ploier (AT), Benjamin Orthner (AT/GH), Philipp Haslinger (AT)

    The second quantum revolution as a musical spectacle: Lasers, mirrors, non-linear crystals—an experimental setup from the hi-tech laboratory in the middle of Linz’s St. Mary’s Cathedral. Entangled photons—the quanta of light—become conductors and direct Bruckner’s Perger Präludium in a way that no human could. The cathedral organists play live on the two resounding church organs…

  • Hack the Hat

    Hack the Hat

    Parisa Ayati (IR), Markus Schedl (AT), Shahed Masoudian (IR), Deepak Kumar (IN), Gustavo Escobedo (PE), Anna Hausberger (AT), Gerald Gruber (AT), Ghazal Hosseini (IR), Dominik Baumann (AT), Stefan Brandl (AT), Oleg Lesota (RU), Michael Preisach (AT)

    Hack the Hat is an interactive experience highlighting the frustrations of AI-driven recruitment. You will mentor Merlin Kepler, a wizard graduate, by modifying a CV to pass the test of a magical screening hat. This gamified project explores hidden biases in AI systems, encouraging reflection on the impact of automated decision-making in job recruitment.

  • Microbial Mindscapes

    Microbial Mindscapes

    Yoojin Oh (KR/AT), Sabina Hyoju Ahn (KR/US), Christina Watschinger (AT), Ryan Millett (US), Nefeli Manoudaki (GR), Iason Paterakis (GR/US), Tobias Ruff (DE/AT), Rong Zhu (CN), Peter Hinterdorfer (AT), Junsoo Kim (KR)

    Microbial Mindscapes is a multisensory work that explores the human gut microbiome and the brain, emphasizing how microbiome-produced neurotransmitters affect emotional states. Using AI to reinterpret the artist’s microbiome data into an audiovisual experience, Microbial Mindscapes provokes a discussion on the ability of AI to understand complex human emotions and challenges conventional views on life,…

  • Neural Neighborhood

    Neural Neighborhood

    Martin Reiter (AT), Florian Nimmervoll (AT), Mario Zeppetzauer (AT)

    Step into a mesmerizing world where simplicity generates complexity. Interact with transparent brain casts glowing in vibrant hues, each light influenced by its neighbors. Inspired by Conway’s Game of Life, this installation mirrors the intricate patterns of our interconnected world, highlighting how small interactions create profound and dynamic beauty. Engage with life-sized silicone brains and…

  • On the (side)line

    On the (side)line

    Thomas Gegenhuber (AT), Lennart Grau (DE), Sara Maric (AT), Carla Streckwall (DE), Laura Thäter (AT)

    Digital platforms and AI corporations present themselves as user-oriented, shiny and innovative automators. On the (side)line questions this narrative: content moderation and training AI relies heavily on manual labor from workers around the globe, often from the Global South. While their work impacts what we can see and do online, they are neither appropriately appreciated…

  • Raise Your Voice

    Raise Your Voice

    Jan Schlüter (DE), Silvan David Peter (CH)

    Raise Your Voice proposes to corrode the authority gap between age groups by converting the voices of children into adult voices. Recordings converted at the installation can be listened to in private, or broadcast to radios distributed on site. This allows listeners to reflect on how they perceive what was said and uncover associated biases.…

  • Songs about AI

    Songs about AI

    LIT Robopsychology Lab (AT)

    When it comes to AI and music, much focus these days is on AI-generated songs. JKU’s Robopsychology Lab takes a different approach by letting human artists create songs about AI. Why? Research shows that many people feel poorly informed about AI. At the same time, everyone likes music. To promote AI literacy among diverse target…

  • The Turing Game

    The Turing Game

    Bernhard Nessler (AT), Gregor Aichinger (AT), Katharina Leitner (AT)

    Can machines think? Alan Turing’s decades-old question and his famous Turing Test has triggered a new and controversial discussion following the emergence of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models. When do we start to perceive an AI bot as equal to or even more human than other people? Are you able to distinguish an AI…

  • touching thoughts / kicking cancer

    touching thoughts / kicking cancer

    Sabina Köfler (AT), Jan Maximilian Janssen (AT), Błażej Kotowski (PL), Eva Maria Dreisiebner (AT), Francesco Luzzana (IT), jiawen uffline (CN), Simone C Niquille / technoflesh Studio (CH), Chaeyoung Kim & Francesco Luzzana, Sofia Talanti (IT)

    By digitally reconstructing tissue samples and rendering spatial data as 3D objects, we offer visitors a unique glimpse into the microscopic world of human anatomy and pathology. Stimulating interdisciplinary dialogue, the exhibition encourages the public to engage with scientific research in new and meaningful ways, highlighting the potential of art and technology to enhance medical…