Is it only an electromagnetic field or is it a glimpse into the sixth and seventh senses of humans, defined by the biochemist and researcher Ruppert Sheldrake.
Interactive installation for playgrounds BEEHIVE explores how the big data sector, particularly YouTube, threatens children’s rights when they play.
Generative art as catalyst of multispecies relationships Epizoons are fictional lifeforms made out of ceramics and electronic sensors that react to their environment with changing voices and sound. The project draws inspiration from Lynn Margulis’ theory of evolution by symbiosis and Donna Haraway’s concept of “becoming with” of all lifeforms.
Equality | Equity
In between gender roles and cultural perspective The artwork Equality | Equity represents the idea of “balance” through a kinetic sculpture.
Dance and Interactive Visuals The choreography aims to express the concept of “flow” through physical movement, accompanied by interactive visual effects.
Last summer’s yield
An array of clay slip sculptures that function as haptic instruments forming a multichannel “garden”. Fossil-esque or embalmed, akin to sea shells, they conceal secrets within.
Research Collective heterotopia
A relational space created by practice The PhD Research Collective of the University of Arts Linz is a bottom-up structured doctoral program for artistic research.
Somniloquy (Sleep Talking) is Park’s ongoing PhD research on human and machine dreaming, exploring the unconscious aspects like dreams, unlike traditional AI research that focuses on consciousness.
THE GLORIOUS LAMENT encounters the recumbent body of a fallen tree, which unfolds a stage for new connections and relationships and, thus, new life.