Practice of Value-Centric Innovation JAPAN TOBACCO / D-LAB (JP)/Photo: tom mesic

Practice of Value-Centric Innovation


We present our value-centric innovation approach and current projects. D-LAB has two functions: to explore, and to realize, value. In exploring value, we speculate on future “Delightful Moments” and elaborate creative questions incorporating art thinking. In realizing value, we respond to the questions by creating tangible experiences. We showcase two ongoing projects in this process.

Our core is to explore and realize the Delightful Moment, which is paraphrased as: How can we create and conserve humane lives? As technologies develop, our days and hours get more efficiently managed. It is convenient and economical; however, is it humane? Unlike machines, we have feelings and emotions. Aren’t they key to a humane life? To hit every corner of a palette of emotions and experience richness, we need to save not “quantity” but “quality” time.

But how can we save Quality Time? To respond to this question, we focus on the most basic activity that underpins our day: Breathing. If we can innovate our breathing style, we can realize Delightful Moments while practicing it throughout the day. This is because our minds will be clearer and more receptive to new experiences that stimulate our emotional richness.

At the exhibition, we present two projects to innovate a breathing style: ston and Fufuly. How do you feel about the experience? What is your ideal breathing experience? What are your Delightful Moments? We look forward to communicating with visitors and collecting new ideas for brand-new Delightful Moments.

  • Fufuly


    D-LAB Japan Tobacco Inc. (JP)

    Under intense pressure to control ourselves in our busy lives, we tend to feel unable to breathe mentally and physically. We propose Fufuly—a breathing cushion that rhythmically moves as if it were breathing. Fufuly guides the breathing pattern of those who hold it, applying the biological mechanism of rhythmical synchronization. Letting Fufuly move our bodies…

  • ston


    BREATHER Inc. (JP)

    With the rapid acceleration in digitalization, we often find ourselves bombarded with information; we seem to be unconsciously swept along at the pace of others, with little time left to catch our breath. A moment to reset and attune to our own tempo is of the essence. At BREATHER, we’re bringing to light the benefits…

D-LAB Japan Tobacco Inc. (JP)

D-LAB is a corporate research and development organization of Japan Tobacco Inc. “D” stands for Delightful Moment, a quotidian moment to feel our emotional richness: relaxed while sipping coffee or energized after watching a good movie. These moments are secondary for our survival, yet essential for a humane life. Our mission is to explore and realize brand-new Delightful Moments.