Changing environments. Neo Art Connect
Kinetic Sculpture. A speculative mechanical symbiote which is fused with a decomposing log. The hybrid casts a critical perspective upon the natural/artificial dichotomy which allows us the comfort of a passive attitude towards the environment.
The creature dwells in a future where nature has degraded to a point in which it needs a man-made prosthesis in order to exist. Whenever sensing presence, the specimen rattles in order to scare away anything that might pose a threat to the microbial flora.
Photo: Razvan Mihalachi / Galateca
Sebastian Comanescu
Sebastian Comănescu (b.1992, Iași, Romania) is a new media artist/designer. He draws inspiration from both nature and emerging technologies. His works explore, analyze and simulate natural phenomena which he “translates” to physical or digital mediums using computational design and digital fabrication.