A cloud chamber is a particle detector that allows us to directly observe radiation with the naked eye, including cosmic muons, enabling the design of an art installation meant to transform each detected muon into a visual trail and a corresponding sound, in real-time.
One by one, they appear and disappear. By the time you witness them, each of these particles is nearing its fleeting and certain end, with the next one waiting just around the corner. And each particle, within its brief existence, embodies the opposing principles of simultaneously being, and fading away—the story of a desire to remain unchanged and an urge to move on.
Thus, in this everlasting cosmic ambivalence, there is beauty to be found not only in the attempt to keep life still, but also in the hope that every passing ushers in another unstill and transient being perhaps more meaningful and profound than the last.
A sincere appreciation of a transient existence, however brief it may be.
Photo: Akitaka Ariga
Akitaka Ariga
Akitaka Ariga is a particle physicist at the University of Bern and Chiba University, Japan. He is currently working on neutrino physics as part of the FASER experiment at CERN and is an ERC Consolidator grantee.
Photo: Chris Bruckmayr
Chris Bruckmayr
Chris Bruckmayr studied communication science, politics and history at the University of Vienna. He is an academically-certified market and opinion researcher. A sound and performance artist, Bruckmayr produces electronic music under the name “raum.null” for the label Belgrade Dubs. He conducted various performances at the Ars Electronica Festival between 2015 and 2018, and at Connected Ink 2021 in collaboration with Wacom Co., Ltd.
Photo: Pavle Dinulović
Pavle Dinulović
Pavle Dinulović, DA, is a sound designer and music composer from Belgrade, Serbia. He specializes in the fields of interactive and performance art. An Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, at the Department of Sound Recording and Design, and a member of the faculty’s Interactive Arts Laboratory, he has exhibited or performed at venues such as the Ars Electronica Festival, the Venice Biennale of Architecture, the Prague Quadrennial, and Connected Ink in Tokyo.
Photo: Rohan Sachdeva
Rohan Sachdeva
Rohan Sachdeva studied International Design Management at Aalto University, Finland. He has a passion for techno-aesthetic detailing and conveying emotional expression through tangible objects. A firm believer in art and creativity for all, his work strives to break silos of professional disciplines and collaboration. Rohan currently works as an EU Project Specialist at Design Factory, Aalto University, Finland.
Photo: Umut Kose
Umut Kose
Born in 1974, Umut Kose is an experimental physicist who specializes in neutrino physics and particle detector technologies. Kose has been a senior scientist at ETH Zurich since 2022, conducting his research activities at CERN. He is collaborating on the FASER and Hyper-Kamiokande experiments, both of which are at the forefront of neutrino research. Additionally, he works with artists, integrating art, science, and technology, to foster a unique blend of creativity and scientific exploration.
Photo: Yuri Tanaka
Yuri Tanaka
Yuri Tanaka, Ph.D., is a visiting researcher both at Kyoto City University of Arts and at CERN, and an expert at ITACCUS (International Astronautical Federation Technical Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space). Aiming to unveil the hidden beauty and aesthetics within the universe, she has been pursuing practice-based research through interdisciplinary collaboration, in particular between art and physics. Her projects can be mostly found in public spaces or at art and science festivals.
This work is funded by a grant from Toshiaki Ogasawara Memorial Foundation, and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24K15639.