Site specific performance in Alto Patache

Mauricio Lacrampette (CL), Sebastian Arriagada (CL)

The artists travel to Alto Patache where they develop a site specific performance. This time they film the patterns of turbulence in motion as a real-time visualization of the spatio-temporal behavior of the camanchaca, specially broadcasted for the Garden presented by PRISMA at Ars Electronica 2020. They take advantage of the coincidence of the Festival’s date with one of the best times of the year for the observation of camanchaca in abundance. The project shows KMNCHK ScanLab functioning on-site, as well as the multiple artifacts spread upon this particular landscape which are used to monitor and harvest the cloud, such as weather stations, fog catchers and scientific settlements.


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Sebastian Arriagada
MA in Documentary Cinematography from the Universidad de Chile, filmmaker and teacher in the same University. His work ponders the appropriation of images, such as in the short films Imágenes Huérfanas, Input-output and Ejercicios de Montaje. He has also developed different video essays with Caos-Germen: documentary filmmakers collective. In his last project entitled Nebula | volumen en suspensión he worked together with a visual artist and an anthropologist making an expedition to the Atacama desert to study the behavior of the fog. They studied and registered the patterns of the water that can be photographed by crossing the fog with a laser projector. This project was exposed in the Bienal de Artes Mediales at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile (2019). He currently works as a professor at both the University of Chile and the Arcos Institute.

Mauricio Lacrampette
Architect graduated from Universidad Católica de Chile. He also works as an artist and a self-taught musician. His artistic work arises from a multidisciplinary imaginary that is translated into the production of images, objects and interventions covering topics related to physics, psychology, landscape and cybernetics. He conceives the architectural methodology and space itself as fields of interrelationships. Mauricio is the director of KMNCHK ScanLab, a landscape laboratory formed in 2019 together with Sebastián Arriagada (filmmaker) and Felipe Cisternas (anthropologist) that aims to raise visual information on the camanchaca; a characteristic coastal fog of the Atacama Desert.