CyberArts Exhibition

Visionary Pioneer of Feminist Media Art

OÖ Kulturquartier
Golden Nica

Salzburger Zyklus 01-03, 2001


With her Salzburg Cycle, a series of ten black-and-white photographs commissioned as architectural art for Salzburg’s Surgery Ward West in 2001, VALIE EXPORT presents an early application of digital image editing. In each of the images, she interlinks the portrait of a hospital employee with architectural fragments of the building and written quotes. EXPORT thus carries forward her decades-long performative and cinematic examination of the female body into the digital medium. The Salzburg Cycle is a perfect example of EXPORT’s artistic work where the perception of surroundings always relates to one’s own body and language.

VALIE_EXPORT, photo: Herta Hurnaus

Project Credits / Acknowledgements



Special Featured Feminist Media Artist

! W.A.R. – ! Women Art Revolution, 2010

Lynn Hershman Leeson (US)

Lynn Hershman Leeson pioneered site-specific, performative, and interactive media art. With this film she creates a monument to all the women who have changed the world of art since the 1960s as artists, curators, and critics. The chronological documentation is composed of interviews with important artists such as Yoko Ono, Yvonne Rainer, and Carolee Schneemann as well as women working in the museum business, combined with clips on the political background that Hershman Leeson collected over a number of decades. The highlights of the feminist movement in the art scene are presented by the artist and filmmaker in the form of a graphic novel with images by Spain Rodriguez.

!WAR Women Art Revolution, Lynn Hershman Leeson, © Lynn Hershman-Leeson

Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Graphic Novel von | by Lynn Hershman Leeson & Spain Rodriguez
With support from: Zeitgeist Films Ltd.


Lynn Hershman Leeson
* 1941 in Cleveland / US, lebt und arbeitet in San Francisco and New York / US | lives and works in San Francisco and New York