Garden of Third Life

Two Hands Performance

Fri Sep 11, 2020, 1:00 pm - 1:55 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
Livestream + Ars Electronica Voyages Channel
in English and Korean

Two Hands is a combination of Korean traditional shamanism and contemporary media performance, raising the question of whether future technology can dominate the human mind and soul. Alluding to Roy Ascott’s Technoetic Arts, which talks about the connection between technology and spiritual means, Two Hands focuses on the spiritual experience that will present a new possibility to expand the limits of technology.



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Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Art Director: Kyunghwa Yu (KR)
Visual Director: Pungyoun Cho (KR)
New Media Director: Seongouk Kim (KR)
Musician: Janggu & Chulhyungeum_Kyunghwa Yu (KR), JC Curve_contrabass (KR), Jeehyun Kim_keyboard, sound design (KR), Bumtae Park_gut (KR), Sunghoon Park_gut (KR)