Prix Ars Electronica 2014: Updates Installed

Entries may now be submitted
Prix Ars Electronica 2014: Updates Installed

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Press Release “Prix Ars Electronica 2014: Updates Installed” / PDF

(Linz, January 23, 2014) Beginning today, January 23, 2014, entries may be submitted for prize consideration to this year’s Prix Ars Electronica. The deadline is March 7 at midnight. Founded in 1987, the Prix Ars Electronica is the oldest and most renowned award honoring excellence in media art. To keep up with developments in this fast-moving field, a few changes have once again been made. “Last year, we topped 4,000 entries for the first time,” noted Ars Electronica Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker. “This is a truly impressive figure, one we’re very proud of, but it has also made us cognizant of the fact that we have reached the limits of our capacity! After all, each of these 4,000 projects has to be given the attention it deserves—assessed, critiqued, discussed and, finally, for some, honored. In order to continue to give every submitted work all the attention it deserves, we have decided to stage four categories on a biennial basis in the future. Establishing priorities and concentrating our efforts in this way makes for a more efficient organization, assures the continued high quality of the judging and selection process, and gives greater attention and visibility to the prizewinning works.”

A competition featuring a mix of annual and biennial categories …

From now on, two groups of two categories—Interactive Art and Hybrid Art as well as Digital Musics & Sound Art and Digital Communities—will alternate every other year. Computer Animation / Film / VFX, u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD and [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant will continue to be staged annually.

… and a new Golden Nica for Visionary Pioneers of Media Art

The Prix Ars Electronica is also launching a new category to focus on the personalities whose artistic creativity and experimentation are closely connected to the exciting early years of media culture—the visionaries and pioneers who not only laid the groundwork for media art as we know it today but also made key contributions to our current social reality with all of its specific forms of communication and cultural techniques. The Golden Nica for Visionary Pioneers of Media Art will single out for recognition those outstanding personalities. The job of nominating and selecting each year’s honoree will be entrusted to a very special jury made up of all artists who have themselves been honored with a Golden Nica since 1987. “The Prix is once again being enriched by an additional – in the history of Ars Electronica important -category,” was the delighted response of Christine Schöpf and Hannes Leopoldseder, Prix founders and jury co-chairs “Now, 27 years after its establishment, the competition covers the whole spectrum of media art. And it’s recognizing the achievements of young people who blazed new trails as media art pioneers just like u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD contestants are doing it their way today.”

Golden Nicas, a Grant-in-Aid, Prize Money, Awards of Distinction and Honorary Mentions

Each winner of a Golden Nica grand prize will continue to receive €10,000 in cash; the sole exception is the u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD category that’s endowed with €5,000. There are also two Awards of Distinction and 12 Honorary Mentions in these categories. The recipient of [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant gets a €7,500 cash prize and a residency at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Plus, all prizewinners are invited to the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, where they receive their prizes at a gala awards ceremony in the Brucknerhaus, and present their projects at the Prix Forums or exhibit them in the CyberArts show in the OK. In each category, a five-person jury of international experts selects the winners.

About Prix Ars Electronica

The Prix Ars Electronica is staged jointly by Ars Electronica Linz GmbH and the ORF – Austrian Broadcasting Company’s Upper Austria Regional Studio in cooperation with the OK Center for Contemporary Art and Brucknerhaus Linz. The Golden Nica statuettes are presented to each year’s winners at the Ars Electronica Festival in early September. The Prix Ars Electronica is one of the world’s premier awards honoring creativity and innovativeness in the use of digital media.


Golden Nicas / Tom Mesic / Printversion / Album


Golden Nica / Tom Mesic / Printversion / Album


Sujet Prix Ars Electronica 2014 / Ars Electronica / Printversion / Album