Deep Space LIVE: Fear of the Devil and Faith in Miracles

Deep Space LIVE: Fear of the Devil and Faith in Miracles
Thursday, April 11 2013 / 8-9 PM / Ars Electronica Center

(Linz, April 8, 2013) Historian Cathrin Hermann of the Linz Municipal Archive and storyteller Claudia Edermayer will escort you through a world of fairytales from bygone days in Linz at the next Deep Space LIVE on Thursday, April 11, 2013. There’ll be thrilling accounts of fear of the devil and faith in miracles. Afterwards, they’ll shed light on the historical context of the stories and elaborate on what they can tell us about the social circumstances and times that produced each one.

Deep Space

A visit to Deep Space is a truly unforgettable experience. It’s quipped with a total of eight 1080p high-definition and active stereo-capable Barco Galaxy NH12 projectors that can display 16×9-meter, crystal-clear images on the walls and floor. Whether you’re into great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the nanoworld, or a 3D South Sea island for kids, there are countless realms to discover in Deep Space.

press release “Deep Space LIVE: Fear of the Devil and Faith in Miracles / PDF


Fear of the Devil and Belief in Miracles / Barthel Beham / Printversion / Album