Take part in the Internet flea market Yami-Ichi

Ars Electronica Festival 2019
Take part in the Internet flea market Yami-Ichi

(Linz, April 17, 2019) From Meme-Cookies, bracelets made of hard drive cables, 3-D prints of your own chess pieces collection to scratch cards that promise a prize of 25,000 Twitter followers: such treasures can be found at Internet-Yami-Ichis, humorous, quirky flea markets for Internet-related things. A similar event will be staged at POSTCITY on Saturday, September 7 as part of Ars Electronica. Visitors are invited to browse through the sometimes curious offerings from 10:00 – 18:00. Registrations from exhibitors and suppliers will be accepted at yamiichilinz@gmail.com until August 1. Information on the conditions of participation can be found here: https://ars.electronica.art/outofthebox/internetyamiichi/

Internet Yami-Ichi
Internet Yami-Ichi comes from Japanese and means “Internet black market”. First held in Tokyo in 2012, the idea goes back to the Japanese artists’ collective IDPW, which wanted to protest against the growing digitalization and the great influence of Internet companies. The Linz-based Internet Yami-Ichi focuses on ideas that transfer Internet services or goods into real life. Participation is free, and all participants also receive a free pass to the Ars Electronica Festival.

Internet Yami-Ichi / Fotocredit: tom mesic / Printversion

Internet Yami-Ichi / Fotocredit: tom mesic / Printversion

Internet Yami-Ichi / Fotocredit: tom mesic / Printversion