Wolfgang Fadi Dorninger presents “Node.Linz”

Press release as PDF
photo album Best of Ars Electronica Home Delivery / Flickr
Photos Node.Linz / Flickr
Interview with Wolfgang Fadi Dorninger
Ars Electronica Blog

(Linz, 27.11.2020) Wolfgang Fadi Dorninger has just been awarded the Art Appreciation Prize of the City of Linz – next Tuesday, December 1, 2020, he will be a guest at Ars Electronica Home Delivery with “Node.Linz”. “We congratulate Fadi most warmly on the Art Appreciation Prize 2020 and have spontaneously invited him to join us at Ars Electronica Home Delievery. Fadi has accepted and will perform ‘Node.Linz’ at Deep Space 8K next Tuesday,” says Gerfried Stocker, Artistic Director of Ars Electronica.

“Node.Linz” or Sound Art before midnight and Techno after midnight
With “Node.Linz” Fadi Dorninger not only delivers current pieces, but also timeless works from the late 80s and 2001 to the house. The performance begins with DRKMBNT, a live project based on small, self-soldered sound generators developed by friends from the DIY, soldering and device hacking environment. Then Dorninger jumps back into the 1980s with JOSEF K. NOYCE in the original line-up (Peter Androsch and Geza Eisserer) to immerse William Shakespeare’s text “The Rape of Lucrece” in leaden industrial. The tour continues with “Apatheia”, a piece of the cross-media performance “Hisatsinom, about the disappearance” from 2001. A high female voice sings accusingly “Apatheia, we are informed, but we feel nothing anymore”. After the apathy comes the romance. The Romantic Remixed. Linz and Bruckner. Great emotions and algorithmic 3D animations in real time. With “Da ist nichts”, WIPEOUT (Didi Bruckmayr) sing, play and dance us back to everyday life including distancing, home office, vaccination, lockdown, empathy, …. and home delivery.

Wolfgang Fadi Dorninger
Wolfgang Fadi Dorninger started his musical career in 1983 with band projects like ROI (Rythmic of Industry), Der Hammerschmied or Monochrome Bleu. In 1983 he founded the tape label Die Ind. With Monochrome Bleu he toured half of Europe and three times across the USA. The first tour in 1986 changed his artistic and cultural compass forever. Back in Linz, Dorninger started local (Fadi Sampler Linz) and international (Tape Report) music networks based on the principles of cassette culture. He propagated free radio, published in fanzines and founded community labels such as 7inch12 or the music database SR-Archiv of Austrian popular music. In art, Dorninger is mostly active in public spaces, working there with ephemeral media or using the sound of these spaces as an instrument. As a musician and composer he is active in theater and film, in bands and in sound art. DIY, open source and open structures are the driving force and constant renewal in his artistic work. Dorninger teaches sound production and sound design at the University of Art in Linz.

Actors at “Node.Linz”:
DRKMBNT: Wolfgang Dorninger (self soldered sound generators)
JOSEF K. NOYCE: Peter Androsch (guitar), Geza Eisserer (percussions and keyboard), Wolfgang Dorninger (vocals)
DORNINGER: Nadja Schütz (vocals), Wolfgang Dorninger (electronics, visuals)
DORNINGER: Wolfgang Dorninger (Electronics), Didi Bruckmayr (Realtime-3D, Visuals)
WIPEOUT: Didi Bruckmayr (vocals, visuals), Wolfgang Dorninger (electronics)

Ars Electronica Home Delivery – supported by LINZ AG
“Ars Electronica Home Delivery” is a weekly program that includes guided tours of Ars Electronica exhibitions, excursions to Ars Electronica Labs, visits to the Machine Learning Studio, concerts with real-time visualizations, deep space LIVE sessions, workshops with engineers and talks with artists and scientists from all over the world and, more recently, offerings for schools, universities and companies. Most programs are interactive and live. “Ars Electronica Home Delivery” aims to make the artistic and scientific examination of the future accessible to the broadest possible audience. Ars Electronica Home Delivery is supported by LINZ AG.

Fadi Dorninger – Node.Linz / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion

Fadi Dorninger – Node.Linz / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion

Fadi Dorninger – Node.Linz / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica – Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion / Album