Interactive-Creative Days during Semester Break

Interactive-Creative Days during Semester Break

(Linz, February 16, 2012) Interactive-Creative Days at the Ars Electronica Center are a great way to keep from getting a case of the semester break blues. On Tuesday, February 21, you can learn how to design fantastic creatures on a drawing computer, and then use a laser cutter to turn them into real paper figures. At “Everybody into the Lab!” you’ll learn to clone plants and to isolate your own DNA from the skin inside your mouth. On Thursday, February 23, the Microcosmonauts workshop will provide startling insights into the wonderful world of the microcosm. Running simultaneously is NeXT Toprobot, a look at how robots perceive their environment and react to it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 10:30 AM-2:30 PM

Alles Labor (10-14 years)

Work like a real laboratory technician! Kids and youngsters playfully practice pipetting using colored liquids, isolate DNA from the mucus membrane inside their mouth, search for interesting images under the microscope, create colonies of plants, and dissect them with a scalpel and tweezers.

FABulous Creatures (Age 6-10)

Arts & crafts fans will get their fill at FABulous Creatures. Use a computer to render your fairy-tale creation and then a laser cutter to quickly and exactingly turn your concept into a little paper figure. This workshop entails lots of drawing, cutting and experimenting with leading-edge technologies.

Thursday, February 23, 2012, 10:30 AM-2:30 PM

Microcosmonauts (6-10 years)

An array of microscopes lets you peer into the microcosm and behold forms and structures that can’t be seen with the naked eye—for instance, skin cells and even bacteria.

NeXT Toprobot (10-14 years)

Want to learn how robots are programmed to perceive their surroundings and react to them? Students at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria’s Hagenberg Campus will teach youngsters age 10-14 to reconfigure, expand and program LEGO NXT robots.

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Foto Fabelwesen / Karina Hurnaus / Printversion / Album