Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz Visits Ars Electronica Center

A Prominent Visitor at the Ars Electronica Center Linz:
Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz

(Linz, March 30, 2014) Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz paid a call on the Ars Electronica Center on Friday, March 28, 2014. “Since we’ve been working together with the Foreign Ministry on a regular basis for years now, we thought it’s high time to invite the minister to come to Linz, visit Ars Electronica’s headquarters and see for himself the great things being done here. Of course, we’re delighted that he accepted our invitation” said Linz Deputy Mayor Bernhard Baier, chairman of the board of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH. “The Ars Electronica Center is one of the top venues in the world of media art, which I’m always very pleased to mention during my travels abroad,” Sebastian Kurz noted. The Austrian Foreign Ministry and Ars Electronica have been collaborating on several interesting projects lately: the Prix Ars Electronica Animation Festival presented annually at numerous Austrian Embassies worldwide; the GeoPulse interactive presentation platform that’s already been featured in Beijing and Berlin, and is currently running in Freiburg, Switzerland; and this year’s Prix Ars Electronica Digital Communities category being conducted under the aegis of UNESCO. Plus, the two organizations are currently co-operating with the OECD, Linz’s Tourism Association and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Commerce to stage a multiday event focusing on generating synergies at the nexus of tourism, culture and the creative economy. “Ars Electronica Linz is renowned far beyond Austria’s borders,” said Ars Electronica CFO Diethard Schwarzmair. “So the Foreign Ministry is extremely important for us—as a commissioning client, as an associate, and as a mediator of productive relationships. We’re happy to work together with them, and we’re delighted with the results.”


Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz at the Ars Electronica Center / Robertba / Printversion


Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz at the Ars Electronica Center / Robertba / Printversion


Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz at the Ars Electronica Center / Robertba / Printversion